Thursday, May 24, 2007

Well, I am at the Family History Center again and I decided to preserve some history on the Blog. I am so excited for school to end for the summer. I am just beginning to feel well after a month of congestion in my throat and chest. I have felt like I was dragging myself through the rigors of school and I am sure it has showed in my teaching. I am looking forward to a couple of days of sleeping in to begin the summer.

Larry has begun school classes again and has been busy with those. He has been feeling really good lately and doesn't seem to need as much sleep. He is really on top of things and always doing things for me to keep me going. The house has looked great lately because he is constantly picking up and straightening.

We celebrated our 6th anniversary on the 17th of May by going out to dinner. We always have a good time but there was a little damper on the occasion because my principal had informed me that day that there was a possiblity that I might be cut back again on my hours at school for next year. I have decided not to worry about it for now because it is just a possiblity but we really don't need the cut in pay.

Maren did my hair on Thursday and dyed it a darker color. I have had a lot of compliments on it but I hate it when people can tell that you have dyed your hair. I prefer to have them think it is my natural color. But, maybe I have only been fooling myself.

Brinlie has been sick this week. Maren thinks it is partly teeth but she seems to have what I have had. They are planning to go Disneyland with Landon's family on the 28th for a family reunion, so they are hoping that Brinlie can get feeling better before they go.

Erick and BJ got home from Italy yesterday. They were supposed to get home on Tuesday night about 10:30 p.m. but they were having a airline strike in Italy when they left and so the plane left 4 hours late. When they got to New York they missed their plane by about 7 minutes and so they ended up having to spend the night in the airport and leave at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. BJ says he will never fly Delta again.

Erick showed us all their pictures on his camera last night. They got to Italy during some culture festival so they were able to go into alot of places for free because of the festival. They figured that this saved them at least a hundred dollars. They have some beautiful pictures of places they were able to visit and photograph.

Holly is staying with us this week. She picked up the boys and they are getting some things done before BJ has to leave again next Wednesday for Navy boot camp. It was nice to have them here today because I ran out of guest checks for the restaurant simulation today at school and they brought me some because I did not have a car. Of course I couldn't have left even if I did have a car because I can't leave my classes.

We are going to Logan to meet Holly's parents this weekend. BJ and Holly are trying to get as many things done as possible before he leaves. BJ was really stressed about getting it all done when they missed the plane in New York but he seems to have mellowed now he is home and can be with Holly.

Michelle and Daniel's kids have had two performances this week. Hailee and Ethan had their spring concert with the Choral Connection on Monday and we were able to see that. It had a country music theme and costumes. The kids did a great job. Ethan had a duet he had to sing with another boy. Wednesday night Ethan had a piano recital. He is really progressing. The pieces he played sounded much more sophisticated than what he played a year ago.

With Larry at school and no one home on Tuesday night I went to dinner with Jon and Kirsten and the kids a week ago. We had a good time stuffing ourselves and talking at the Golden Corral. Kyle is going to Vernal with his dad on the 17th of June until the 22nd of July so they will not have any kids for that time period. There are some benefits of divorce! Until then I will be tending Kyle some days this summer because both of them are working. So we will do something fun. Jon is trying to get their truck going so they can go camping in June.

Nathan and Sara are progressing towards their move to Alabama. They are trying to get housing on base so David can attend the base school. If that is not possible then they are trying to find out if the schools in Alabama are where they want to send him. Sara has been thinking about home school. It will be interesting to see what comes of that. Gail will be staying in Houston with a girl friend that she has there.

Misty's Mom and sister are moving to Seattle. So Jeff and Misty are having to make some changes in their life style. Jeff has been publishing to a blog lately and sharing his ideas with us.

Nikki is working her swing shift at the hospital now. She works three nights a week normally but she has to work this weekend. Ashton let me hold him again when they came up for Mother's day. Lexie turned seven this year so we are going to make her quilt this summer. Jake is adjusting back after being in Germany on an AT assignment.

Most of the kids in Utah came up for the Saturday before Mother's day and helped me to get the grass and weeds out of the front flower beds. I was really feeling overwhelmed by it all especially with Erick going to Italy. It looks much better. You can see the flowers now. Dan was a real weed pulling machine. The lawn was getting long again though so BJ mowed that this afternoon.

I bought myself the book "Debt Free on Any income" and Larry and I have been reading it occasionally and trying to implement the recommendations. It has a good program that I would recommend to anyone and it has a CD that has the paperwork all set up in Excel for you that you can install on your computer.

Well it is good to have time to write. Hope some of you have time to read it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Well, it seems that the Family History Center is the only time I have to work on the blog lately. I am hoping to get some pictures up but they are on the home computer.

Last night Craig came home from Iraq. It was a great reunion. He looked good and seemed to enjoy having everyone there to greet him. He came in about 6:20 p.m. Corrine had a photographer there to capture every moment but I don't think she caught the moment when Dad almost cried when Craig hugged him and was home. Dad took everyone who came to Chuck-a-rama for dinner and we had a chance to talk a little more. We mostly updated Craig about what we had been doing though. He didn't say much to me or those around me about his feelings or plans.

Jacob and Lexie and Ashton came up. I was excited because Ashton went to me and did not cry and put his head on my shoulder and cuddled like he liked me. I thought he was going to go to sleep but he perked up when the food came and enjoyed eating all the fruit on my plate and his. Maren cut his hair this week when she went to visit Nikki and he looks really grown up but I miss his curls. Lexie ate with Craig's boy's Cameron and Landon. Lexie and Cam are the same age. It seemed weird to me that my brother's son was the same age as my granddaughter. But I know there are weird combinations all the time like that. After all Craig is 15 years younger than I am.

I have had a cough and congested throat for about 2 weeks now. I finally realized last Saturday that I was getting worse. I was able to get some antibiotic for the congestion and I am feeling much better. I am still feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do at school. I work really hard but I am always behind. The new computer systems that allow parents to go online to check on their students grades is good for them but if I don't have grades posted the minutes their child turns it in they are emailing me and calling about, "where is my child's assignment" and it takes time just to answer all of those email. I also have two very tough classes as far as students that do not behave and I am constantly working to keep them in check.

Larry went back to school this week so he was stressed all last week about a paper that he had to write. He finally got it written, and I am sure it is fine but he really stresses over papers. He had a gout attack this weekend because he went to the doctor on Friday and they gave him an antibiotic that they said would react with Indomethicin that he takes when he has an attack. So he didn't dare take it when the Gout started. I finally called the doctor and found out that he can take it because he felt the reaction was minor to what a gout attack is like, so Larry took it and is better but it has lingered and not gone completely away so we are wondering if that is part of the reaction.

Erick and BJ left home for Italy on Tuesday morning at about 5:45 a.m. Holly was down with BJ so she took them to the airport. Their plane left at about 8:30 a.m. I haven't heard anything from them so I hope everything is going okay and they are having a good time.

BJ moved all his stuff home on Saturday. He said that it snowed in Logan that morning. He and Holly had spent all of Friday cleaning and getting ready and he was supposed to work for Holly's dad one last time on Saturday and then with the snow he could not work. He came down in the afternoon and they had dinner with us. Then he and Holly went out to do something for a while. They have decided to get married on October 5, 2007 so they spent some time looking online and in Bountiful for places to hold a wedding dinner after the ceremony. Holly stayed all weekend and on Monday so they could be together for some time before he left. BJ has joined the Navy and will go to basic training a week after he gets back from Italy so he and Holly will not see each other much until September.

Sunday, Larry and I did not go to church because we were feeling sick. We slept for most of the day and got some medicine so in the evening we were feeling better. Maren had invited all of us over for soup and rolls and to play games the week before so we went to that. Maren had worked hard and had hot rolls and a commerical chicken noodle soup that my kids like that is like homemade. She had also made baklava for everyone. BJ had made lemon squares for lunch so we had an abundance of good deserts. We had a good time and really enjoyed the food. I thought I had won the game but Landon beat me by one card.

Jake got home last Saturday evening from Germany. He said that he had really missed his family this time. I guess that Ashton didn't want to go to sleep that night because he was afraid Jake would not be there in the morning. He is learning a lot more words and Jake said he talked to him often on the phone. Nikki said he got to the point that he wanted to talk to everyone on the phone because he thought it was Daddy.

Nathan called last week and said that they will be moving to Alabama the first week in July. He has to be to Helicopter school on the 8th of July. He will be learning to fly the Black Hawk Helicopter. Sara and the boys can go with him so that will be good. Sara drove down this week to see him and then he was going to go back with them to celebrate birthdays in Houston, I think.

Hailee's birthday was last Saturday. It rained and was cold so they had to cancel their plans to go to Lagoon and they took Hailee's friends to Chuck-E-Cheese. Michelle said they had a good time. It was really cold last weekend but it is back up to the eighties today.

Jeff is interviewing for a promotion this week. Hopefully he will do well. Leah came up as one of the friends for Hailee's party on Saturday. They were looking for Leah's levi jacket this week, I don't know if they found it. If you know where it is let them know. We couldn't find it at the house.

David and Sara have May birthday's also. David's is on the 8th and Sara's on the 10th. We are celebrating May birthday's and Mother's day this Saturday at our house. I have ask that those who want to do something for me for Mother's day come on Saturday and help us work on the yard. Our flower beds are awful. Then we will have a dinner at 5:00 p.m. for the Birthdays. I would like to make this a tradition in our family for Mother's Day because it is so hard for me to get to yard work before school gets out each year and Larry isn't really into yard work. Luckily Erick has been mowing the lawn. But he is gone for two weeks.

Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins got new windows for their house that are supposed to be really easy to clean and energy efficient. I haven't seen them yet but Dad said that Mom really liked them.

Kathy says that Amy is getting married the last week of July or the first week of August.

Well if there is something important that I missed add a comment.