We have had a busy weekend. Yesterday we went to Herriman to see our granddaughter, Lexie, baptized. Erick and I went and Larry had to work. It was a great service. Their were three girls from the ward that were baptized yesterday. BJ was asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost. Jacob baptized Lexie and confirmed her. The three girls sang the song, "If the Savior stood beside me". Lexie is normally kind of shy but she sang out beautifully and not shyly. I love that primary song. Today we went down and Jacob blessed Abigail Dawn their new daughter. Nikki's sister's baby Natalie was also blessed at the same meeting. I felt like I should bear my testimony at the meeting even though it was not my ward. I started to say what I thought I should say but ended up saying some things that were dictated by the spirit about the blessings of having a son who is righteous. I sincerely meant it but it came from the spirit and I knew it was what I was supposed to say.
Both days we went to Nikki's Mom and Dad's house for something to eat after. Yesterday they had a barbecue and today they had meat trays with croissants with lots of yummy desserts. They have a lovely house with lots of luxuries. It is really a nice home. They have a good attitude though. I told Brent he had certainly been blessed and he replied, "Yes, I have lots of children and grandchildren."
Last night we went to see Hailee's dance recital. She had two yesterday but we were only able to go to the one in the evening. She did a jazz dance last night. It as a well produced recital with a theme that made it enjoyable to watch.
Maren and Landon were involved in the wedding of one of Landon's friends yesterday. They went to the wedding in the morning at the Salt Lake Temple and then to the wedding luncheon and then Maren was a bridesmaid and Brinlie a flower girl for the reception. Landon was stressed because he had to be dressed up all day. Brinlie ripped her dress so Maren was exhausted by the time the wedding was over.
Holly and BJ have been down staying with us. They went to Nate Cragun's wedding reception last night and had a good time seeing ward members. Then they went to see the new Narnia movie with Kirsten and Jon and Kyle. They were out until about 1:00 a.m. Even though they were able to sleep in today they were tired going to Herriman.
BJ got me a new phone last week. I have been trying to figure out what it will do. I got the VZ navigator that Verizon has for their phones and have had fun playing with it all week. I was suprised to find out yesterday that when you ask for directions to somewhere it functions like a GPS. So I have had great fun programming in where we need to go and watching it work.
Friday was the last day of school for our school. I was there until about 5:00 p.m. trying to finish up grades and fines they had to be in by Saturday so they could print and send out report cards. I still need to go back and finish checking out tomorrow but school is out. They are remodeling our school the next two years so it is going to be interesting how things work out.
Larry has been busy working on a paper that he needs to complete for his class tomorrow. He has to work with a team and each one does part of the report and then someone has to compile it all together. I laugh at him though. When I stay home to work on homework that is all I can focus on. He stayed home on Wednesday to work on his paper and when I got home he had done all the laundry and cleaned the kitchen. I teased him about it once and he said that he has to do something else to help him think. So I always like the days he has to work hard on school.
Erick hauled me around last Saturday and this Saturday too. He is also good to work on the yard and do other things around the house. He went on a date on Friday with a girl from his ward named Amber. They went on a hike up on the Ogden Canyon trails. He is trying to get in more dating with school out.
Kyle left to go to his dad's today for a month. He is getting so grown up for his eleven years. He came over this last week and had a trophy that he got for soccer and he had been to a team party at Jake's over the top.
I have been learning Dreamweaver 8 in my one class and Adobe Photoshop in my other class for school at the U of U this summer. I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday. Normally Larry comes and picks me up and then takes me to my class then I ride home with a classmate. On Tuesday he called me at 4:00 p.m. and said that he was stuck in traffic. I called Erick and Maren but they were committed to doing something with Erick's old friend Lynette. So I went out and got on the bus and rode down to Salt Lake. At that point I was picked up by Larry and got to class only 10 minutes late. On Wednesday I had an appointment at the U of U with a professor and because Larry had stayed home to work on his paper I tried riding the bus to Salt Lake and picking up the TRAX flex train to the U. I was about 50 minutes late for my appointment but I learned alot about TRAX. I then rode the TRAX back to downtown and took the new Frontrunner train to Davis county home. I could do all that for free because I am a student and can get a UTA pass at the U. It was a real adventure. The next day I took the bus and TRAX to the U of U for my class and got there early because I had learned what I needed to know to catch the right busses and trains so I didn't have to wait so long.
It was cold and rainy last weekend but it has gradually warmed up all week and today it was in the 90's part of the day on the car thermometer.
Well I have after lunch coma so I will finish for now.