It has been an eventful month since I last wrote. Larry started not feeling well the first part of September. When he finally went to the doctor it was his Gall Bladder. After several tests, he had it removed on September 18th. Despite what the doctor told us, that he was not to eat meat or spicy foods for several days, we went to a barbecue that we had signed up for before this started. It was wonderful food but Larry paid for it all night long after. He thought he could convince the doctor to let him go back to work on the 23rd but the Doctor would not release him until Oct. 1 so he is starting to feel better. I think the fact that it is now an outpatient surgery gives him the feeling that he should feel fine like he did after some of his tests. He is feeling pretty good the last few days and has a hard time staying down so there are lots of areas of the house that he is cleaning.
We went to Vernal on Friday for Weston Hadlock's wedding to Deanna Schroeder. It was very nice. The wedding was in the Vernal temple and then they had a wedding luncheon at the Glines Stake center after. Annette and Rex had worked hard and their yard was wonderful. They had the reception in their back yard that evening from 5-7:00 p.m. so we were able to drive back home that evening. It was fun to see family and friends in Vernal. I was also excited to find out that they had several things in common like fishing and basketball.
My seventh grade students did the restaurant simulation this week and the 9th grade foods class did the two day lab where they roast vegetable and I make a roast to talk about proper methods of meat defrosting. It is kind of like Thanksgiving dinner. So I had several nights when I was up late trying to get everything done. Then on Thursday I had to get ready for a sub for Friday and Monday because of Weston's wedding and I had signed up for a website class with the district.
Sara has some cute pictures of the boys on her blog. Nathan said that she is not feeling well lately. She has back problems and is tired a lot. Nathan was really tired too.
Michelle is the Primary President in her ward and we went there to see the Children's sacrament meeting presentation. The ward did a nice job and Hailee and Ethan and Jaron knew there parts well. A week ago Saturday both Jake and Nikki and Michelle and Daniel and their families came to visit and pick peaches. We has a good time talking and laughing.
Nikki has a new blog but I forgot the name so I will have to ask her when it is not so late. Abby is really growing. Jake is back working days.
Misty has some great stories on her blog and pictures about their trip to Kansas and a trip to a beautiful waterfall. Leah has started Kindergarten and is going all day.
We went last night and met Heather's mom and dad, Dan and Wendy Farley. We had a good talk and they seem to be really nice people. Heather is going to be a good addition to our family. We do not see Erick anymore. He is busy with work and school and Heather.
BJ is busy with school. He has been frustrated lately but that is all part of school. They were out to Vernal to the wedding so we had some time to be with them. They want us to come to the BYU vs USU game on Friday and of course BJ is cheering for BYU.
Maren and Landon and the kids came over tonight for family home evening. We started tying a quilt that they have been trying to get done for about two years now, so she is related to her mom. Brinlie always wants to see the little seal story on Dad's website so we read that for her. Gauge was in a better mood today over yesterday.
Well, I have stayed up much to late for when I am teaching school but at least I have written something on the Blog.
Mom and Dad celebrated their 60th wedding anniversay by inviting all who could go to go through a temple session with them and then they had a dinner at Kathy church that everyone brought something to but was mostly catered by Kathy. The picture is of those who were there at the temple with them.