It has been a busy week. Monday night I got some type of virus that caused diaharea so I stayed home from school. I was feeling somewhat better on Wednesday so I went to school so I wouldn't have to plan for a sub. I didn't feel like eating though so I just drank apple juice until evening. The next day Larry had the same thing and so did Ellie. Maren said that she did not feel good the day I got sick so it was there for all of us.
Maren left early Thursday morning to go Great Lakes to be with Landon. She flew into Milwaukee because it was cheaper. The kids went with Shirley and Evan to California so it has been a quiet week for Larry and I. But we still have Koda with us so we can't get bored. Maren is looking for a place to rent back there so they can be with Landon.
Taylor and Kyle came over on Friday while Kirsten and Jon went to a movie. We ended up watching a couple of movies and when Tayor went to sleep I worked on some school papers that needed recording.
Saturday morning I went to get Michelle's kids to take to their piano lessons while she was at Leadership meeting. Kallise came over and we watched Scooby-do. She sat on my lap and hugged me for a while. It was a fun time to be with her.
After she left I watched movies and worked on school work all day. When Larry came home we made a simple dinner and did some dishes. Then we spent about an hour reading some of the scriptures from Jeremiah for the Sunday School lesson. Larry and I have read the scriptures from the lessons each evening and each morning and the Old Testament is really coming alive for me. I can't believe that I have read it so many times before and not understood what I am understanding now. Isaiah is comming alive for me. I did not realize that the Book of Mormon gave so much clarification to Isaiah and the Doctrine and Covenants as well.