When we returned back to the apartment then Nathan was able to go straight to the apartment from the van but after charging the chair for two hours and having it die as he attempted to go to the living room he and Larry decided that something was wrong with the charger. They called the VA wheelchair repair facility but they said that they could not come out until Monday. So Nathan thought "no problem, I will just go to the manual". But he was so tired that was more than he could do some of the time. Larry and I were panicked that he did not have a way to secure himself in the van as they put a device on the electronic wheelchair to attach it to the van but, luckily Nathan knew that we still had the straps to secure him in and David was able to install them.
I took the kids swimming for about 3 hours and finally talked them into coming back after that. The pool seemed a little cool and it was cloudy part of the time. We went to the hot tub before we came home and I finally felt warm.
Nathan decided that he wanted to go in the manual wheelchair to get David a phone like he had planned and Larry had fallen asleep so I said that I would take him. We left the other kids home with Larry who woke up about the time we left. We made it but Nathan does not like the way I drive and then when we got there it was hard to get him in. It didn't take long but it was too long for my body and Nathan's. We decided that we would not go anywhere else for the rest of the day although by now it was about 3:00 p.m
Isaac at the end of day camp |
All this week they had a day camp for Isaac and other bears and cub scouts everyday from 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Nathan decided he wanted to go and be with Isaac every day. Some days I took him. Some days other friends took him and one day he went the 3.3 miles by himself in his wheelchair. I was impressed that he went everyday but I think that he overdid because he was exhausted last night when he went to bed from using the manual wheelchair and all of the accumulation of the days at Day Camp. He went to bed early and was visibly stressed.
If it had been a normal weekend we would have had him stay home from church and rest but Larry and I and David had been asked to speak at church this morning and so he insisted on getting up and going to church. He was able to get up and get going okay but it was harder than usual. He has a harder time transferring from the manual wheelchair to things because it is about 2 feet lower toward the ground. We have one of those high tables in the apartment and when he doesn't have the electric wheelchair he is not able to raise his seat up to meet the table and it is hard for him to reach the food and eat. But he made it and we were able to talk today.
We were asked to speak about what it is like to be a Senior Missionary and what others needed to do to go on a Senior mission. I talked about how we came to be on the mission and how to find out the opportunities for a mission. Larry talked about the importance of missionary work and why we do it. I did not hear Davids talk because Maggie had to go to the bathroom just as he started to talk and so I barely made it back to give my talk.
Larry and Nathan took naps today after lunch but I figured that someone needed to keep and eye on the kids. The kids played some games and David played with his new phone and then we watched some things on Mormon Channel that they like and we read some scriptures that Isaac was supposed to read this week for his Primary Class. Then we ate some more and then Sarah came for the kids about 6:00 p.m.
This week was a stressful week at the mission as well. It was transfer week and so we always have a lot to do during that week. Larry also had a regional manager from Salt Lake City for cars here on Thursday so he was not able to help me drive a new car to Austin for the transfer meeting there. He thought it was worth it though because he learned that there were a few things that he had been doing that should be done by the assistants so they are more insightful about who can drive together. He spent 6 hours with him and said that he really liked him.
We thought that his manager would be here on Wednesday so we had traded the Williams to do Tuesday Lunch for them and have them do Wednesday lunch for the incoming missionaries. Elder Williams ended up getting some kind of stomach flu on Wednesday and the boss did not show up so I worked with Sister Williams on the two meals on Wednesday and Larry helped on Wednesday night. It worked well that Nathan was at the Scout Day Camp in the evenings because we were able to do the things we needed for transfer week without too much problem with coordinating with him. Wednesday night was the day he drove down in his wheelchair though and I was not feeling very calm about him leaving because we do not live on a seculed street but he didn't care what I thought.
It rained a lot that morning so it was pretty muddy at the day camp. When he got home it took about an hour to get all the mud cleaned off the wheels of his wheelchair. The video at the top is of the rain pouring down in our parking lot in the morning when it was pouring.
When we went to Wal-Mart to pick up our food for lunch on Monday they said that we could not go in because the rain had knocked the power out so they were closed. We asked if we could pick up the sandwich that we had ordered. They went inside and asked and came out and said that we could because the sandwich was ready but that was all we could do. When we got inside the manager asked us what we were in there for and we told him. I asked him if we could get the other things that we needed as the lights were only out in half the store. He said yes as long as we did not go into the part that was dark. Luckily all the things that we needed were on the lighted side and we were able to get the things we needed with no problem. We really felt like the Lord had blessed us because they did not let anyone else in the store.
Larry with the other veterans |
We went back to the office and tried to get all our work done until 7:00 p.m. and then went to the closing ceremony for the Day Camp that was supposed to start at 7:30 p.m. Sara met us there and we watched the program and then took the kids home for the weekend.
Nathan Standing in his wheelchair |
Nathan standing for the song. |