Today was one of the first Sundays in a while that I did not feel like taking a nap in the afternoon. We arose early and the only mishap of the morning was that Maggie refused to eat her breakfast before she got her dress on for church.
Church was interesting because in Sacrament meeting they talked about Faith but in relation to work being a part of faith. The idea that we have to work to make things happen sometimes after displaying our faith. Sunday School talked about gifts of the Spirit and we went through an exercise where we determined what gifts of the Spirit we had been given. Relief Society was based on Dallin Oaks talk in April 2014 conference The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood.
After church we had lunch. I laughed because Nathan's kids told me they wanted spaghetti so I bought spaghetti and some sauce. They informed me that they did not like spaghetti sauce with vegetables in it but I just thought that they did not know what was in spaghetti sauce. Anyway I get lazy sometimes and do not worry about Parmesan cheese and such to put on it. So I serve the spaghetti. They had already told me that they did not want the sauce mixed in with the spaghetti and they wanted to put their own on. David took one serving spoon of sauce. Isaac waved the back of the spoon over the spaghetti and Sammy only wanted sauce on the side in case he did not want it. Maggie decided she wanted more sauce but then would not eat any of it. Then they say that they just like the spaghetti with Parmesan cheese on it!!!
I had a good time with Maggie this afternoon. We read stories from the Friend and then we found a craft that she wanted to make that only paper and crayons and we worked on that. Then she wanted to watch a movie so I said how about the Bible videos on video. She liked that idea and so we went there. She started telling me that she had a dream about how Jesus was killed and she got all excited about wanting to watch the video where he was killed. So we watched several of those for about and hour or more. She was really having a good time too and it wasn't just me wanting to show her. I told her we needed to go do FHE and she immediately wanted to show one to her brothers so we choose the one about Christ's birth. Most of they time while we did this the boys where playing on their electronic devices.
We had a short Family Home Evening and then we got the kids to help us pick up all their stuff and then Larry, Nathan, and David went to Stake Priesthood meeting and I had the three youngest. Sara came to pick them up about 5:45 p.m. So now I am alone with myself. I called Erick and talked with him about an hour and then I decided I had better get typing.
Monday we went in late to the mission because the Assistants are usually on the computers then. We went to Weight Watchers and both of us had gained so that was not good. So you would think that I would go home and eat better. And I have tried but this was a week of constant temptation. Tuesday we went to Kerrville for the mission cars and went to Billy Gene's restaurant with John and Judy while we were there and of course we had to have cheesecake. Thursday was the WW Bingo night and they had some good things. And Saturday was the Wounded Warriors Breakfast and ward Pioneer Day celebration so there were numerous temptations including Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing. Maggie liked those too! She had two as did I.
I was really blessed after we went in and was able to get all the referral caught up and all the baptism and confirmation records in and the name tag orders made and the supply order made. It was a miracle and I attribute it all to the Lord's help. Maybe he knew that Larry would want me to go to Kerrville with him on Tuesday.
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John, Larry, and Judy |
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The Guadalupe River from the Resturant |
Nathan wanted to start getting up earlier about 5:00 a.m. or 5:30 a.m. but I was not so excited about this. I did not want to get up that early and it would cut into our Prayer and Scripture time as he would be finished by 6:00 a.m. when we got up and I would need to dress him then, so we made a deal that he would start dressing and then I would go into help him after we finished. I think this is a positive thing because I think the more he dresses himself the better he will get at it. He can dress himself without help but it takes him longer than he would like. This should help that problem as" that which you persist in doing becomes easier" .
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Maggie trying to do the monkey bars with me holding her |
Thursday the Studevants came for lunch with Nathan so we stayed at the office until about 3:30 p.m and then I went to get Nathan so we could go to bingo night from the office as it saves us about 40 minutes time and we can avoid the bad traffic on IH 410 that is there every night from about 5:00 p.m. until about 7:00 p.m.
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Nathan talking to David and Isaac with me in the background |
Friday was a slow day. I had most of my work finished at about 10:00 a.m. and I sent out the supply order wish lists for next week and then I spent a lot of time looking for things to do because the mail did not come. It finally came later and then I had more referrals and more baptisms to put in and didn't finish the baptisms so I have work for Monday. We stayed until about 5:30 p.. and I was about to leave so I would be home when the kids came and then we got word that the last Assistant to the President, Elder Piene from St. George, Utah, that just went home was back in town and was coming to the office to visit us. So I stayed to see him. He is such a wonderful young man. It was so fun to see him and meet his parents
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Sammy trying to do the monkey bars alone. |
Nathan went to the VA on Friday afternoon for speech therapy so I went home to feed him a little early so he could leave at 1:00 p.m. when they pick him up. I was worried that he would not get home in time to be there for the kids when they came but he called just after we heard about Elder Peine coming so I felt comfortable staying for a few minutes to see Elder Piene.
We didn't do much on Friday night with the kids. Saturday morning we decided to go to the Wounded Warrior Family Support Center Breakfast to see if it was worth it to go. It was worth it! But it was a big temptation again. They had about anything you might like for an American Breakfast Buffet. I tried not to eat too much but I ended up eating about 21 points worth of food for breakfast and I only had 26 for the day.
We went grocery shopping for a while after that, with the kids. Then we went home and went to the pool after a short rest. I didn't want to swim today because the ward party was in about 2 hours and I figured that I didn't have time to get redressed again.
I took a picture of a plane flying over. Lately we have had planes flying low over the apartment. I don't remember seeing them until about two weeks ago. We are close to the airport but Nathan says that they may have started coming over because of the wind. Who knows?
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The planes are closer than this one looks. |
The ward party was fun but had some disappointing moments but the food was not one of them. Maggie was still talking about the Red Velvet cupcakes today. And the hamburgers were wonderful. The games they had promised had not materialized so the boys were disappointed that they didn't get to pull sticks like Joseph Smith did. But we got to talk to many people and we are learning who more of the people in the ward are and some of the interrelationships that exist. They watched "Ephriam's Rescue" at the end so that was a good movie to watch even though we have already seen it.
Well it is 9:42 and the guys are not home yet so I guess it must have been a two hour meeting. But I am going to finish this and get ready for bed.