Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27th and before

Today was one of the first Sundays in a while that I did not feel like taking a nap in the afternoon.  We arose early and the only mishap of the morning was that Maggie refused to eat her breakfast before she got her dress on for church.

Church was interesting because in Sacrament meeting they talked about Faith but in relation to work being a part of faith.  The idea that we have to work to make things happen sometimes after displaying our faith.  Sunday School talked about gifts of the Spirit and we went through an exercise where we determined what gifts of the Spirit we had been given.  Relief Society was based on Dallin Oaks talk in April 2014 conference The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood.

After church we had lunch.  I laughed because Nathan's kids told me they wanted spaghetti so I bought spaghetti and some sauce.  They informed me that they did not like spaghetti sauce with vegetables in it but I just thought that they did not know what was in spaghetti sauce.  Anyway I get lazy sometimes and do not worry about Parmesan cheese and such to put on it.  So I serve the spaghetti.  They had already told me that they did not want the sauce mixed in with the spaghetti and they wanted to put their own on.  David took one serving spoon of sauce.  Isaac waved the back of the spoon over the spaghetti and Sammy only wanted sauce on the side in case he did not want it.  Maggie decided she wanted more sauce but then would not eat any of it.  Then they say that they just like the spaghetti with Parmesan cheese on it!!!

I had a good time with Maggie this afternoon.  We read stories from the Friend and then we found a craft that she wanted to make that only paper and crayons and we worked on that.  Then she wanted to watch a movie so I said how about the Bible videos on video.  She liked that idea and so we went there.  She started telling me that she had a dream about how Jesus was killed and she got all excited about wanting to watch the video where he was killed.  So we watched several of those for about and hour or more.  She was really having a good time too and it wasn't just me wanting to show her.  I told her we needed to go do FHE and she immediately wanted to show one to her brothers so we choose the one about Christ's birth.  Most of they time while we did this the boys where playing on their electronic devices.

We had a short Family Home Evening and then we got the kids to help us pick up all their stuff and then Larry, Nathan, and David went to Stake Priesthood meeting and I had the three youngest.  Sara came to pick them up about 5:45 p.m.  So now I am alone with myself.  I called Erick and talked with him about an hour and then I decided I had better get typing.

Monday we went in late to the mission because the Assistants are usually on the computers then.  We went to Weight Watchers and both of us had gained so that was not good.  So you would think that I would go home and eat better.  And I have tried but this was a week of constant temptation.  Tuesday we went to Kerrville for the mission cars and went to Billy Gene's restaurant with John and Judy while we were there and of course we had to have cheesecake.  Thursday was the WW Bingo night and they had some good things.  And Saturday was the Wounded Warriors Breakfast and  ward Pioneer Day celebration so there were numerous temptations including Red Velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing.  Maggie liked those too!  She had two as did I.

I was really blessed after we went in and was able to get all the referral caught up and all the baptism and confirmation records in and the name tag orders made and the supply order made.  It was a miracle and I attribute it all to the Lord's help.  Maybe he knew that Larry would want me to go to Kerrville with him on Tuesday.

John, Larry, and Judy
Tuesday Larry had to take some registration stickers that he had to several cars in Hill Country Zone.  So we drove up there and got them distributed and then had lunch with John and Judy.  It was fun to see them again and eat some more good food at Billy Gene's.  We got back to the mission about 3:30 p.m.

The Guadalupe River from the Resturant
Wednesday we worked all day long on one thing or another.  I didn't feel rushed but I had plenty to do.  Larry is always working on something for the cars.  I also tried to find a primary care doctor for medicare and was not very successful.  Wednesday or Thursday Larry tried to get into a doctor to look at a sore he has on his bunion that will not heal but he couldn't get in until next week.

Nathan wanted to start getting up earlier about 5:00 a.m. or 5:30 a.m.  but I was not so excited about this.  I did not want to get up that early and  it would cut into our Prayer and Scripture time as he would be finished by 6:00 a.m. when we got up and I would need to dress him then, so we made a deal that he would start dressing and then I would go into help him after we finished.  I think this is a positive thing because I think the more he dresses himself the better he will get at it.  He can dress himself without help but it takes him longer than he would like.  This should help that problem as" that which you persist in doing becomes easier" .
Maggie trying to do the monkey bars with me holding her

Thursday the Studevants came for lunch with Nathan so we stayed at the office until about 3:30 p.m and then I went to get Nathan so we could go to bingo night from the office as it saves us about 40 minutes time and we can avoid the bad traffic on IH 410 that is there every night from about 5:00 p.m. until about 7:00 p.m.

Nathan talking to David and Isaac with me in the background
Nathan has the kids on Thursday night so they came to Bingo night with us.  We actually got there at a good time and were able to get a table up front.  They had enchiladas and other Mexican cuisine but the enchiladas where not the type that I like.  The kids are pretty fussy so they ate chips and cake.  They had some good looking cake and they also had drumsticks in the ice cream freezer so it was just tempting.  As mostly is usual, no one won bingo so it is a good thing this is not for money.

Friday was a slow day.  I had most of my work finished at about 10:00 a.m. and I sent out the supply order wish lists for next week and then I spent a lot of time looking for things to do because the mail did not come.  It finally came later and then I had more referrals and more baptisms to put in and didn't finish the baptisms so I have work for Monday. We stayed until about 5:30 p.. and I was about to leave so I would be home when the kids came and then we got word that the last Assistant to the President, Elder Piene from St. George, Utah, that just went home was back in town and was coming to the office to visit us.  So I stayed to see him.  He is such a wonderful young man.  It was so fun to see him and meet his parents
Sammy trying to do the monkey bars alone.

Nathan went to the VA on Friday afternoon for speech therapy so I went home to feed him a little early so he could leave at 1:00 p.m. when they pick him up.  I was worried that he would not get home in time to be there for the kids when they came but he called just after we heard about Elder Peine coming so I felt comfortable staying for a few minutes to see Elder Piene.

We didn't do much on Friday night with the kids.  Saturday morning we decided to go to the Wounded Warrior Family Support Center Breakfast to see if it was worth it to go.  It was worth it!  But it was a big temptation again.  They had about anything you might like for an American Breakfast Buffet.  I tried not to eat too much but I ended up eating about 21 points worth of food for breakfast and I only had 26 for the day.

We went grocery shopping for a while after that, with the kids.  Then we went home and went to the pool after a short rest.  I didn't want to swim today because the ward party was in about 2 hours and I figured that I didn't have time to get redressed again.

 I took a picture of a plane flying over.  Lately we have had planes flying low over the apartment.  I don't remember seeing them until about two weeks ago.  We are close to the airport but Nathan says that they may have started coming over because of the wind.  Who knows?
The planes are closer than this one looks.

The ward party was fun but had some disappointing moments but the food was not one of them.  Maggie was still talking about the Red Velvet cupcakes today.  And the hamburgers were wonderful.  The games they had promised had not materialized so the boys were disappointed that they didn't get to pull sticks like Joseph Smith did.  But we got to talk to many people and we are learning who more of the people in the ward are and some of the interrelationships that exist.  They watched "Ephriam's Rescue" at the end so that was a good movie to watch even though we have already seen it.

Well it is 9:42 and the guys are not home yet so I guess it must have been a two hour meeting.  But I am going to finish this and get ready for bed.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20th and before

Today is Sunday.  We did not have the kids this weekend so it has been a quiet Sunday.  We talked about the Holy Ghost and the requirement to be baptized to obtain it in your life as a constant companion in the classes this week.  We also talked about the fact that we need to accept the Holy Ghost into our life in order to obtain the blessings and that we need to read, pray and keep the commandments to draw near to the spirit.  Both Relief Society and Sunday School were good lessons.  Our Mission President's letter for this week also dealt with the Spirit and the ability to feel it.  It was very enlightening to me and so I share it here for all to read.

Picture of Christ I downloaded for my phone
"During the sacrament prayer, we hear the promise "that they may always have his Spirit to be with them" (D&C 77). Consequently I am often asked, "If I am keeping the commandments with exactness, then why don’t I feel the Spirit with me always?" The question itself is evidence that the promise of the sacrament is very misunderstood.
Notice that the promise is that "they may always HAVE his Spirit to be with them;" it is not that "they may always FEEL his Spirit with them." Some missionaries (and many members) think that if they do not FEEL daily surges of spiritual euphoria, then they must not HAVE the Spirit. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Modern apostles understand this common misconception and have raised a voice of caution. President Boyd K. Packer said, "I have learned that strong, impressive spiritual experiences do not come to us very frequently" (PMG, 99). President Howard W. Hunter said, "I get concerned when it appears that strong emotion or free-flowing tears are equated with the presence of the Spirit" (PMG, 99).
Now to be sure, there are moments, occasional moments, of marvelous manifestations, undeniable witnesses, profound effusions of grace, even typhoons of tears. However, these experiences come "seemingly" at rare and random moments, always according to the will of God, and usually after the trial of our faith. To expect to spend our lives in a Divine Disneyland, enjoying every ride and feeling the excitement of the next adventure, is not only unreasonable, but it is contrary to the wisdom and the designs of God.
The promise that you "may always HAVE his Spirit" to be with you is real and is literal. "But how do we know that we always HAVE his Spirit if we cannot always FEEL his Spirit?" The answer is in our ability to see. Like the blind man healed by Jesus, we too can sing the song of redeeming love, "whereas I was blind, now I see" (John 9:25).
What do we see? We can see and understand those things which are understood only by the Spirit. We can "see the kingdom of God," meaning that we recognize The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as God’s kingdom on earth. Jesus told Nicodemus that ability to "see the kingdom" was only possible to those born of the Spirit (John 3:3-8).
We have "great views" (Mosiah 5:3) of that which is to come, meaning that we understand the resurrection and judgment like no others; we know what happens at death; we know of Christ’s return and of his millennial reign; we know of the glories of eternity. Because we have the Spirit with us always, we are a believing people (Mosiah 5:1-2; AoF 13).
In addition many of the gift of the Spirit come without an "attached feeling." For example, the gift of wisdom, the gift of discernment, even the gift of tongues come more often from a quiet and subtle increase in understanding and ability over time than they do from a sudden bolt of a singular spiritual experience.
To his meridian seventy, the Lord said, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see." I say unto you also, my fellow missionaries, "Blessed are your eyes, for the things that you can see and understand are evidence that you truly do HAVE the Spirit to be with you, always–otherwise ye would be as blind as the world."
Paul taught: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Cor. 2:14).
May we always HAVE his Spirit to be with us, that we may ALWAYS exclaim, "I can see.""

To me that was a very enlightening statement and leaves me with a peace about my ability to feel and have the spirit.

Sacrament also dealt with the role of discipleship and many of the talks focused on being able to draw closer to the lord.  They had a young girl talk that was 12 about her experience going to the Houston Temple to do baptisms for the dead and she did a good job.  I later learned that she was just baptized about a month ago so that made it even more remarkable that she did such a good job as often converts come into the church with a fear of public speaking.

Last week was a busy week in many ways.

Monday we went to Weight Watchers in the morning and we both gained weight so we were determined to do better this week.  I tried to get in more activity during the week but I know I did not get as much on the weekend with the kids not being here.

We spent the afternoon in the office because the Williams were gone that day.  I got somewhat caught up but there were some glitches in the way the Weekly Zone Reports were transmitted and so I just had to wait for the new information to sent from the Zone leaders.

Monday night we got Nathan's suit out and got it ready as he was going to the mediation for his divorce the next day and had been advised to dress up.  It looked pretty good for having been in a clothing bag for more than a year.  I was bothered because it was a little wrinkled but all we could do at this point was to hang it in the bathroom so it could steam in morning showers.

Tuesday was the mediation.  Nathan had to be there about 7:45 a.m. which is about an hour earlier than we ususally do things so we got up earlier to accommodate.  He put on his suit and it fit fine and he looked good but her had problems with getting the pants up and down.  We determined that I would have to be there at various times to help him in the bathroom.  I went back to the office to work but had to be back at noon for him to go to the restroom.  

When I got back I determined that I needed to stay for a while after lunch so I took my computer and worked on what I could do in the lobby of the law office.  Nathan did not want anyone to be in with him and stipulated the same for same for Sara and her lawyer.  I ended up being there until about 8:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. waiting so I spent a lot of time on the computer.   But they were able to come to an agreement about that time.  So it took about 12 hours to complete.  I don't know when the divorce is final but the agreement has been reached.  Nathan ended up giving Sara the house even though she has said that he could have it so we will not be moving anywhere but staying in the apartment.  It is probably for the best as the house is not handicap accessible and the kids will not be displaced.  He is looking for a house to buy or build with his VA money.

Wednesday we worked in the office all day and it was amazing how much I got done.  All the baptisms in and all the referrals in and the stake report done and name tags ordered.  I even got the bike records updated.  I was excited because we baptized 15 more people in June in the mission than we had in the previous months 65 to be exact.  Larry has been swamped with cars coming in and being sent out.  They had zone meetings this week and he had to make sure all the cars were inspected and okay.

Thursday we worked in the morning and I was surprised that I was able to get all the work done for that day in the morning the Lord was really blessing me.  We went home for lunch and then Larry went back and I went to buy some hairspray and then went back and did a few things but then I left at 2:30 p.m.  I had to take Nathan to meet Sara to get their bank accounts divided up and to take her name off the phone plan. We had to go to Converse to do this and so we just went to the WWFSC Bingo night at 4:15 p.m.  This time we were way early and last week we were way late.  We got to sit with Lori from Warm Springs because she only had one patient with her.  Larry met us there about 5:00 p.m.  For once one of us won a game of Bingo.  Nathan won a Visa Card for $35.00 in one of the games.  I doubt that Larry and I will ever win but the meal is worth it.

Friday we worked all day in the office.  We had decided to go to John and Judy's for the night as we were not going to get the kids this weekend.  We asked Nathan if he wanted to go but he was not comfortable going because their house is not handicap accessible.  He would not let me call anyone to help him or stay with him so we left him with a large pizza and some food in the fridge and headed out.  He said that he would call someone and he did find Mark Johnson to help him get into bed.  I was frustrated that all he ate was pizza the whole evening and next day but he survived and he thought I was worrying too much about his eating.

Larry eating fried okra
Larry and I had a good time visiting with John and Judy.  We didn't get there until about 7:20 p.m. but they took us to one of their favorite restaurants in Kerrville, Texas called Billy Gene's.  The food was very good but we succumbed to eating a chocolate caramel cheesecake that was soo good!! Worth every point.  We visited there for a while and then went to their home and visited for a few minutes until Larry and I started falling asleep at the table.  We finally went to bed at 11:00 p.m. which is late for us as we get up at 6:00 a.m.  We actually got to sleep in until about 7:30 a.m. which was nice.  We read our scriptures and said prayer and then joined John and Judy for breakfast.  However breakfast was fruit until we went to get brunch about 10:00 a.m.  But they had the best nectarines and peaches so we did not starve.  They also had other fruits but those were my favorites.

We went to the Hunter House cafe for breakfast.  Apparently John and Judy go there a lot and the lady that is one of the waitresses cleans Judy's house once a week and her husband is their plummer so they are on a first name basis.  John ordered fried okra which is a popular side dish here.  We were all trying it and I liked it except for the fact that it is fried.  Larry does not like Okra, in fact when we got married he told me he would eat anything except boiled okra.  I teased him about he said boiled okra so he told me to take a picture as we would not see him doing this again so I did.  He ate one fried okra. I have the picture to prove it.  But, he says that he still does not like it but fried is better than the boiled. 

John's ship on the top and Landon's on the bottom
John had a lot of stories to share and I wished about half way through that I had brought a recorder so that I could record some of his stories.  He also showed me that he had printed a picture of Landon's ship the USS Battan and posted it on the wall with the picture of his first ship that he was on when he joined the Navy.  He was on the same type of ship that Landon is and he told is all about how it does the jobs that it is asked to do.  He is a real expert on anything Navy.  But of course he would be.  It was his life's work.

Judy had a lot of things to show Larry with genealogy.  He wanted a picture of his Grandfather Presser and so she dug in some things and found two.  Unfortunately they are regular pictures and we did not get a digital copy and we do not have a scanner here so I cannot post them.  He also got a picture of all of his Presser Grandparents family.  It was quite a big family.  I was disappointed as we drove home that we did not get some pictures of John and Judy because we were talking too much.

We stayed at John and Judy's until about 4:00 p.m. but then we started back.  We stopped for some food at Wendy's before we got home and so we didn't make it until about 6:30 or 7:00 p.m.  We did learn how to get off of I-10 at Wurzbach Parkway and make it home.  The GPS did not want us to go that way but we are learning a few things that we can do that the GPS won't tell us.

As we said, Nathan survived his first 24 hour period alone so we are making progress.  The Lord is blessing him and us everyday as we try to serve him.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The last two weeks

After the fiasco with Nathan's wheel chair we finally got it fixed on the next Tuesday.  On Monday he was home a lone and he tried to transfer from the recliner to the manual wheelchair and even though it was locked it moved and he ended up falling on the floor.  He had quite a floorburn on his head for a few days even though he insisted that he did not fall on his head.  He called me at the mission and of course I came as soon as I could but I did not bring Larry.  He was laying on the floor with his feet in the recliner when I got there.  He needed to have help getting up.  We tried several ways and I even got him up and in the recliner after a prayer for help but when we tried to transfer him to the wheel chair again it moved and we both went to the floor.  I tried for about 10 minutes to get him up again but he was too heavy.  I went across the foyer and got my neighbor to help me.  She is an older lady in her 70's maybe and we tried to get him up but could not do it either so she went to get our next door neighbor who was at the pool.  He came and then we were able to lift Nathan while Jane my neighbor brought the wheelchair around behind him and we just put him in the wheelchair.  Needless to say after that Nathan was very relieved to have his electronic wheelchair back.  The charger had been damaged when Nathan got up in the early morning and ran off with the cord.

We did a lot of things that week that I took pictures for so I will put the pictures here and then talk about them as there is a lot of pictures.
Sister Antuar talking to Nathan

Monday evening we went to San Marcos for the Senior Missionary dinner that they have every Monday after transfer week.  It was at Johnny Carino's.  We had a great time talking to everyone again and Nathan is just part of the group.

All the couples enjoying the dinner

At wounder warriors Bingo Night.  The girl was a Dr. Who fan like Nathan

This is Lori Ann the Recreation Specialist at Warm Springs that started Nathan liking to go to the Bingo night.

Don't remember her name.  From New York in the military.  Picture shows the background areas where they serve the food.

For the 4th of July we went to the Woodlawn Lake Park for the fireworks there.  It was really quite a carnival atmosphere which we tried to avoid.  The picture to the right was David and Nathan enjoying themselves.  David refused to play on the playground because Nathan told him he had to leave his phone with him.  So he sat most of the time at Nathan's feet playing on his phone.

Maggie with another stranger.

I learned what a funnel cake was that night and we bought one to share.  We bought one funnel cake and one drink and it cost $11.00.  Maggie had to go to the potty three times.  I have never been able to get her to go in a port-a-potty because she thinks they are too gross.  But the potties that they had there were pink so for some reason she would use them if they were pink!  Go figure.

Sammy climbing up the slide
Sammy and Maggie riding together
Some man showing off with a snake around his neck.  The kids were fascinated
Maggie, Isaac, and Sammy digging in the Sand pit
This is the view from where we watched the fireworks.
Larry took some pictures of the fireworks and what they had was nice but they were not very long.  Maybe 5 minutes at the most so that was disappointing because it was a little hard for Nathan to get into. The kids didn't care though because they were anxious to get home and do theirs

Maggie and Isaac

On the 5th of July the ward had a Flag ceremony and pancake breakfast for the 4th celebration.  The High Priest put it on so Larry had to go help with it.  The kids had a good time because it also had a bounce house outside that they could bounce in.  We had a lot of fun at the breakfast and I ate my whole points value for Weight Watchers at the breakfast.

Isaac, David, and Sammy at the breakfast.

Maggie eating her treat they got when finished.
Isaac nailing his house together.
Each child with their finished product.
 After the pancake breakfast and clean up we went to Home Depot to make a project that Isaac had heard about somewhere:  Bug houses.  All the kids made one and it was fun but a real mess.  One of the mothers that got there before us told us not to follow the instructions and let them paint it first.  Big mistake.  We got paint all over our hands trying to help them nail the thing together after that.  Isaac refused to paint first and chose to follow the directions.  David choose not to paint and so finished first and did not have a mess.

Throwing Snaps
In the afternoon we  did the fireworks that they had been too tired to do when we got home on the 4th of July at about 11:00 p.m.
Larry thought it was cool that we had a blue, red and white car parked in front of our apartment on the 4th of July

 I had a virus or something get into my computer and it was doing crazy things and the technology person for the mission said he would look at it but he did not get it back to me before the weekend last week so I was not able to do the blog because for some reason Larry's computer would not let me into my google account for this blog.

Monday Nathan had some appointments at the VA that he went to himself.  Larry and I started out behind on our work for this week and it has taken all week to catch up.

The line at the SS Office
Tuesday we had some time alone at the office because Elder and Sister Williams were out inspecting apartments and so I took the time to go to the Social Security Office which is just around the corner and found out that I was already signed up for Medicare and had created an account.  I could not believe the line so I took a picture and texted Larry it might be a while.

We were a little stressed because we ran out of food money at the beginning of this week.  We were able to figure out things that we could do and eat that we still had but it was a little hard because we do not have food storage here to go to when you are tight.  But the Lord blessed us and we ate well all week.

It seemed to me that the referrals did not stop coming in all week.  On Tuesday I got 10 after I came home from the mission office.  I had about 16 waiting for me to type in and then more came in on Wednesday.  I did finally get caught up and got all the Baptisms typed into the system on Thursday.

Thursday Nathan had an appointment for his lawyer for the divorce at 3:00 p.m. It was for preparations for their mediation meeting on Tuesday the 15th of July.  I took him and waited outside.  He was in there for about 2 hours and then his person who works on his van called and said that he was coming to fix the van so I took him home.  I was disappointed because it looked like we would not be able to go to Bingo Night but I took Nathan home and then went in our car to get Larry as I had to drive home from the office and then take Nathan in his van and so I had the car at the apartment.  But by the time that I picked up Larry and we got home the van was fixed so we went the Bingo after all, just late.  They were almost through serving the food but we got some.

Friday it seemed that we were constantly being interrupted by phone calls but we finally got the Baptisms submitted and the Name tags ordered and the Stake report finished. I also had to call all the missionaries that are coming in that have not given us there plans for getting a bike to make sure they knew that they were to buy one before they came. Larry said he felt like he couldn't do anything because of interruptions.

Sara brought the kids about 7:00 pm I think.  They had had dinner so we went to the pool and swam for a while.  Then we came home and they watched a movie and ate popcorn and chocolate milk before going to bed.

Saturday was the first Saturday in a long time that we did not have to get up early for something.  Nathan had a Dunkin Donuts card that he had got for Father's Day so we took the kids to Dunkin Donuts about 8:30 a.m.  We had a good breakfast and then we took a portable toilet that Nathan never used back to Warm Springs and Nathan went to the bank to do some business.  We got home about 11:00 a.m. and it seemed like it should be 1:00 p.m.

The kids wanted to go to the pool when we got home so we got ready and went.  I didn't really want to go swimming but Maggie talked me into it.  We went swimming twice that day.  It was one of the most fun times I have had swimming because I asked David to help me learn to dive for things like they do and I have never been able to do.  Our pool is not deep but it was so fun to learn how to go into the water looking for something and to find it and play games with my grandkids in the pool.  At one time I remember thinking "I am so glad that I can do this at 65 with my grandkids."

Larry went to the office and worked all afternoon and came home happy that he was finally able to do some things without interruptions

Nathan got upset in the evening so the kids went home.  Larry and I went to Orange Leaf to drown our sorrows in yogurt.  It was worth every calorie!!! Nathan went out with some friends to get snow cones.

Sara's Father came in yesterday so we did not have the kids for church.  I missed them even though they are a handful sometimes.  Nathan's friends talked about the Challenges of Discipleship and gave some excellent talks also including some great testimonies of how the atonement of Christ can help you.  The one has been off of Drugs and Alcohol now for two years and bore a powerful testimony of the healing power of Christ.  The classes were both on Baptism and why it is important and what it symbolizes.

Larry came home to a phone call that another set of Elders had got in an accident but luckily no one was hurt except the car when someone pulled in front of them.  So he had to help the Elders deal with that.

I had remembered to put a roast in before we left and so we had a good lunch.  After cleaning up we went to lay down for a "few minutes" and Nathan was waking us up 3hours later.

We went and met Sara and her Dad, Frank Roberts, and saw the kids for a while at a park by the church and then we came home and ate and the guys are in bed but I am finishing up this blog.

I am so grateful that we have had the opportunity to come to San Antonio on this mission it has been a blessing for Nathan and for us.  We are stronger than we have ever been and we are blessed each day to see the tender mercies of the Lord in our lives.  I have even been able to overcome the itchy skin that I had.  I hope that I can be an effective Secretary so that the missionaries can do the work of finding those who are prepared for the Gospel.