This morning in Sacrament they talked about Humility. I appreciated the fact that one of the speakers was Honey Bishop. I did not know her name and she is the person that about three weeks ago told me privately what an inspiration Nathan had been to her. She said that when she felt discouraged about something and thought she could not come to church she would think of him and say, "If he can do it I can do it." I didn't know her name until today. So that means that the lady, Jennifer Reynolds, that posted on Facebook when he moved his stuff from the house was a different lady and that is two people that his courage in overcoming his stroke has helped in the ward. The Bishop has expressed the same to me, that the experience has been a unify thing for the ward.
I was grateful to see who got to speak today. Honey said it was her first time ever speaking in the ward at sacrament meeting and a friend of Nathan's and now ours, Leonard Elizardo, spoke also. Leonard is a very humble person who has joined the church and was a great choice for the speaker but the things they demonstrate in their lives are more of a sermon that what they said today. They also had youth speaker that did a good job.
Sunday School we spent talking about Alma 5. Relief Society was a lesson on Elder Quentin Cook's talk called Roots and Branches. Sister Beckstead the Temple Matron was visiting and she told of how she got her daughter interested in Family History by taking her to a private family cemetery in Breman, Texas.
We spent about an hour after the meeting waiting for Nathan to talk to people so he has inherited his mother's gift of gab. But I got to talk to some people too so it was okay.
Nikki commented last week that she thought I should take a nap if I wanted to on Sunday so I suppose I gave the impression that I thought it was not good to nap on the Sabbath but that is not true. I only have been trying to stay awake so I can work with the kids more and some of the times I have slept for about 3 hours and then I could not go to sleep at night. I had been thinking that was not very productive time as a missionary Perhaps I should be doing something like the other missionaries because they have to work on Sunday at proselyting and I felt uncomfortable sleeping that long. So when Nathan made his comment at class about not sleeping excessively I took it personal even though he did not mean it that way. I have felt better trying to do things like this blog and communicating with family and friends than I did about sleeping for so long.
That said after lunch I laid on the bed for a while. Maybe an hour. I do not think that I got to sleep, at least not very soundly and now I am working on the blog. I think that I will do my visiting teaching this afternoon after dinner.
We have about a half hour drive to our church building because we live outside the ward. As I was riding with no kids today I was looking at Facebook for a while. Someone had posted a link to this article about picky eaters "Turning my picky eater around: an easy to follow plan". As Nathan has several picky eaters I decided to read it. It has some good tips on feeding your children and getting them to eat new things from an occupational therapists point of view, who is also a mother. I liked the idea that kids need to eat about every 2.5-3 hours. Sometimes I think that we think that they can go longer than that so I was impressed that someone confirmed how I felt. The whole site has good information it is called
This week was a busy one. It is zone trainings in the mission and so we could go to zone trainings everyday but we have not had time for that.
Monday I wrote about that hectic day last week.
Tuesday we went to Round Rock and Round Rock East Zone Trainings. Round Rock is North of Austin. I wanted to go there because I have not seen that area yet. The night before I was frustrated because what I had to say to the missionaries was boring. I asked in a prayer how I could make it more interesting and felt prompted immediately to ask questions about the material. On the way to the meeting I thought about having some reward for those that answered. I didn't have time to stop and get some candy and I had several pennies in my things so I gave out pennies. It was a hit and I was grateful to the Lord for reminding me about how to motivate people to listen.
We got back to the office about 3:00 p.m. I had time to do the weekly zone report and then I was ready to go home for Nathan but Larry stayed for awhile and worked on what he tried to get done on Monday. Nathan and I had a good time together.
Wednesday we spent all day at the office. I finally got all the Baptisms in and recorded and submitted. There were about 27 that I had to do last week and this week. And then I got all the referrals in Thursday.
Thursday was Larry's 67th birthday. We were low on cash so we decided that we would celebrate with the kids at Bingo Night. After lunch Nathan came to the office so we could leave early. But it was 4:30 before we were able to leave. After a few texts Sara had agreed to bring the kids to the WWFamily Support Center rather than have us pick them up. Then she sent a text saying she wasn't bringing them. We were hurt so after many texts back and forth we learned that there was a lack of communication between us and Sara and that she had reasons for not bringing the kids but we were sad to only see the kids for a few minutes that night.
Friday was an interesting day. Mom sent us some checks for our birthday in Birthday Cards. Larry hurried and took pictures of them for USAA and then we shredded them. We quickly went to El Pollo Locco for dinner, one of Larry's favorites. We took some home to Nathan and then went back to the office after we had all eaten. Later that afternoon Larry checked USAA and the checks were not showing after calling them and having the employee tell Larry four times that he needed to redeposit the check after Larry told him four times that he had shredded it. Long story short we had to call Mom and tell her that we had shredded the checks and could she deposit the money in our account sometime this week. She laughed at us and told us we had better wait to shred it next time until we knew it was in the account.
Nathan had two therapy sessions with Physical and Occupational Therapy on Friday after having none the rest of the week. He was so tired on Friday night and Saturday when we got home from the temple he did not want to do anything except watch TV and rest. I wondered if he overdid after not exercising all week but he says I am trying to diagnose him and I should stop it.
Larry had bought us some Lobster a week or so ago and so we cooked that with some salad and rice and had a great meal on Friday night. Then we watched "Bones" that evening Kirsten Skyped with us and showed us her apartment and and we showed her ours we were able to talk to Kyle and Taylor.
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Me, Nathan, and Larry at the San Antonio Temple |
They have a distribution center next to the temple on the grounds. We went in there and looked around after the temple session before we went home. Nathan wanted a clip on tie because it is easier than tying a tie and we thought he would do better now with some more solid shoes and he found some there so he bought those. Now he has temple clothes that are more accessible and help him dress easier. Although we just had him wear his whites to the temple to make it easier for him.
We went home and ate lunch about 2:00 p.m. we watched some "Bones" and a show Nathan likes about skateboarding and while I was looking through Facebook we noticed that a friend of Nathan's from the ward, was helping her Mother sell BBQ dinners to raise money to pay for her dad's funeral expenses. So we decided to help. They place they were selling them was about a half hour away so we had to drive for an hour but it made a good birthday dinner for me.
I also worked on balancing the checkbook while I was watching TV. Larry and I went to the grocery store and got some ice cream for us and Nathan. While we were out David called on his phone and he and Isaac and Sammy and Maggie wished me a Happy Birthday, that was nice.
In the evening I noticed that about 40 people had wished me happy birthday on Facebook. BJ texted and wanted to Skype a little later and we were able to talk to him for more than and hour about 8:30 p.m. Annette texted me a happy Birthday and Erick and Heather sent us an Applebee's gift certificate for our birthdays so maybe next week we can go out to dinner. Applebee's is good because they have Weight Watchers meals that are better for us than the others. Maren texted me just before bed. It was a good birthday!! But very low key.