Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I went to a Relief Society enrichment activity tonight. We made freezer meals that we can cook when we don't feel like cooking. It was fun to see everyone but it was really busy. I liked the idea of doing something rather than sitting through a demonstration, it felt good.

I had to work at the family history center this morning from 9-12. We really had a lot of people come in to find things. Our stake has ask those going on the trek to find someone that they could be baptized for and take their name on the trek so it has caused a lot more people to be looking for names than normal but I think they are finding a lot of names that would otherwise be left waiting longer.

I took Jenny Tarbet to lunch for her birthday (with was in March) so that shows you how far behind I am. Then we went to get a few flowers for the yard.

Sunday night we had a family get together with most of the kids for Father's day and June birthdays. BJ talked me into getting the trampoline fixed and we went down to Craig and Corrine's and borrowed the jumping house for the kids that Grandpa Jenkins bought a few years ago. It was a beautiful afternoon after church and we had a great time sitting on the patio and talking and visiting and watching the kids play and eating dinner and birthday cake. Most of the kids commented on how much they enjoyed it.

Last week I took a class on Dreamweaver I at UEN on Monday and Tuesday and started the beginnings of a website for school. On Wednesday and Thursday I had the Career and Technical Education Conference at Hillcrest High School. I learned some fun things but it was as hectic as being in school.

Larry was excited to get a B in his Math class that ended two weeks ago. He stresses so much over math that we were all glad. I told him he could no longer say he could not do math. He started a higher level of math this last week and is working on that. We bought him a battery for his laptop for Father's day and we did not make him grill his own dinner this year.

Nathan and Sara made it back to Texas okay and the floods that Houston has been experiencing were further south so they were okay today except the home phone was out for some reason. They said that Isaac threw up several times on the trip home so it was a "very exciting trip" back. In Colorado they saw some Prarie Dogs and were pointing them out to David, he ask if they were "Larry Dogs"

Michelle and Daniel got home from California on Saturday evening in time to mow the lawn. Michelle's birthday was on the 12th so she was in California. So her birthday was one we were celebrating. They went to Disneyland and the beach and were able to visit with family and friends in California. They had a good time but Michelle said they were ready to come home. Kalisse had really grown in the time they were gone. She was even starting to look like Jaron. Michelle had new pictures of Ethan and Hailee that are really cute.

Jake and Nikki are building a small garage in the back behind the house. They have the cement poured and when we stopped by on Saturday they were working on a retaining wall around it to support the flower beds around the foundation. Lexie has been working on some scrapbooking projects with Nikki. Lexie has year round school so she will be out for most of the month of July but is not out yet. Ashton is starting to walk around things. Nikki thinks he will be walking in a few weeks.

Jeff and Misty are trying to get into their own home so Misty is going to work for a while starting next week. Leah is really growing into a young girl lately. Matthew had a new hair cut that was really short. Misty said that she decided to go over it with a number one so it had grown out about a half inch. Owen was really happy Sunday. He is really a mellow baby. Jeff, who usually has a shaved head, told Maren that he really needed to get a hair cut because he was looking like a hippy. His hair was about a 1/16th of an inch long.)

Kirsten and Jon are both trying for new jobs. They would have a higher salary if they could both get them. Jon has had people call him and ask him to apply so we are hoping that is a good sign. Kirsten would like everyone to pray for them. Kyle just got back on Saturday from two weeks with Aaron. Kyle and I are going to the movies tomorrow morning. Kirsten said that they have a free movie every Wednesday this summer. They have the girls tomorrow evening. Kennedy didn't get to come to the party on Sunday because she was with her mother so I am hoping to get her present to her. We have a ward swimming party so maybe they will come.

Erick is not taking classes this summer so he has a little more free time. He has two dates lined up for this weekend. He seems to be enjoying his University of Utah ward. He went with one of the engineers from his work to Salt Lake and went speluncking in an access tunnel today under 7th something to see what condition it was in. He said it was not in very good shape. He and BJ helped me get some yard work done on Saturday so the flower beds are starting to look better and the lawn is mowed.

BJ has gone to Logan a couple of times in the last two weeks. He was looking for a job. He has accepted a job with Alert Cellular at the Logan Mall. He starts tomorrow on training in Salt Lake City and then, I guess he goes to Logan next week. He is going to stay with Steve and Christy Kropp in Millville until he can get settled. He has helped me with several projects while he has been making decisions on where to be. Last week while I was gone he organized the pantry and found several things we did not know we had. It has been good to have him home.

Maren has taken a month off from Beauty School. She was offered a job as manager at the pioneer village photo shop but after accepting and working for a few weeks she and Landon decided to have her home with Brinlie as much as possible. She has enjoyed the time off. She has been making bows for Brinlie to wear on her head and has saved herself a lot of money. She seems to have her dad's talent for making things. Landon has been working for his dad. He and Kennedy share the same birthday so we were celebrating Landon's birthday also. He was sick today with the stomach virus that is going around. Maren said he had been throwing up all day.

We went down to Mom and Dad's on Saturday to visit for Father's day. We took some homemade chicken noodle soup and had dinner with them and visited for a while. Dad and the boys went to get the jump house while Larry and I stayed to be with Mom. We had a good visit. Dad told his stories about some of the things he did in the war but was able to admit that he often did crazy things and laughed about it as a way of dealing with the trama they faced everyday. We took them a copy of the family picture and Mom said she really liked it.

Maren had a funny experience this week. She was talking to their next door neighbors and as they exchanged information about each other she realized that maybe there was a reason they looked familiar. It turns out it is my cousin Kimo's son, Jimmy, and his wife.

Well, it is way too late and I should have been in bed two hours ago. Goodnight.

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