Sunday, October 22, 2006

I should be in bed so this is going to be a short post.
We have had a busy week. Last weekend we had a birthday party for Leah at Jeff and Misty's on Saturday that many of the family attended. Then Kirsten had a party for Jon and Brooke at her house on Sunday evening. Most of the family was to that party and it was fun to see the kids two days in a row, but we got home late so I did not post anything and after Sunday it seems that I do not have any time.

Monday I went to school and found a note in my box that I was scheduled to attend a workshop that is required for my ESL class on Tuesday and Wednesday. This was the first I knew about it and so I had to find a sub and rearrange my classes because I had labs scheduled for those days and I do not like to have most subs do labs with the students. That night I also had my ESL class so it was a late night.

Tuedsay and Wednesday I had my REACH training class all day so I was not at school so I had alot to catch up on when I got back. But, It went okay and the lesson I had planned went well. I also had my University of Utah class on Wednesday so that was another late night.

I had a second draft of a research paper that I had to write on Thursday and Friday evening. Larry was also working on a paper for his class so we studied together.

Saturday Larry had to work. I went to Herriman to watch Lexie play a soccer game. then Jake and I and the kids went to lunch at Artic Circle. I was able to go home with them for a few minutes and see the garage that Jake is working on in the back. He was able to get the shingles on the roof Friday night and he only had to put in a window and a couple of doors and he will be able to lock it up. He needs to get it stuccoed but doesn't know who to contact yet. Nikki had Relief Society Super Saturday that she was partly in charge of so I didn't get to see her.

Maren flat ironed my hair yesterday to see what it looked like. I liked it but I don't have the equipment to do it myself. Landon has gone back to working with his dad so he is going to be out of town most of this week. Maren was all excited about a witch costume that they had bought for Brinlie to wear for Halloween. Maren is working at school on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. so if you can go in on those nights that is available also. Maren needs 15 more scalp treatments before she graduates.

Erick went out with Kristen Taylor again this weekend and she seems to quite like him but I am not sure how he feels about her. He spends alot of time at the computer lab at school lately trying to get the programs he is writing to work. He is having a party next weekend with some of his mission companions and dates or spouses so I guess I will have to clean my house.

BJ came down from Logan last night because his phone had gone out on him and they told him he would have to come to the company headquarters in the Layton Hills Mall. He has a girl named Erika that he seems to like and she is indicating that she likes him so he was wanting to tell us about that. He is having a good time at USU. He seems to have a good relationship with the apartment of girls next door and have a lot of fun with them. I hope he is studying also.

Kirsten and Jon took the kids to a corn maze for Brooke's birthday and they also got to go on a hayride. They were able to get free pumpkins while they were there so they all have a pumpkin. All of Jon's family were at the party on Sunday as well as our family. Kirsten had Chili and cornbread. Ann her mother-in-law had made a good raspberry and blueberry ice cream dessert. Kyle came over and spent the night on Saturday so Kirsten and Jon could go out.

Jeff started his first night tonight working midnight to 7:00 p.m. Misty has quit her job so someone is home with the kids at night. Owen has started crawling just this week. Last Sunday he looked like he might take off but he wasn't moving anywhere so he has really taken off this week. Leah is in pre-school now and likes that.

Michelle is upset because it looks like they will change them into the Clearfield High boundaries with the new high school boundary changes the district is supposed to make. Yesterday was Ethan's last soccer game. Michelle and Daniel took the kids to a Sunflower Maze in Farmington this week. They also got to go on a pony ride. They had pumpkins you could buy but they had raised their own pumpkins so they didn't worry about them.

Nathan is moved into his apartment. He is happy because he has a kitchen now that he can fix his own food and save some money. He has been accepted to the flight program but he now has to wait for a slot before he can go to school. The Texas National Guard has only one slot right now and he is number 3 on the list. So he was happy that things are progressing. He is feeling busy because they have 8 Officers to work with 430 men. He said that he gets to go home for this next weekend to see Sara and the boys. He will be home for Saturday through Tuesday night. Then Sara might drive down to see him.

Larry went to the doctor this week at my insistance and they are going to do some sleep tests to see why he is not sleeping well later this month. He is also making some changes to his medications for diabetes and going to a class to help him with his diet. He spent alot of time this week shopping for food and other necessities. He was frustrated because Saturday he had to get new tires for the Infinity because they were bald on the inside.

We are going to have Thanksgiving at our house this year. It will be at 2:00p.m. If you can bring something let me know what you can bring. Maren is bringing Cheesecake and Kirsten is bringing pumpkin pie or banana cream pie. Let me know if you cannot come.

Well, have a good week. I's try to get some more pictures up soon.

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