Larry and I have been home sick today. I woke up with chills and aches and Larry had nausea and stomach pains all night. We slept all day and got someone else to do the primary class and we are feeling better tonight. Erick has been busy with his ward all day so it has been pretty quiet.
I called Sara and she said that they had all been sick lately too. Some of the boys had to have antibiotic. She is busy getting ready for an enrichment night party this Thursday. She said that her mother and her and the boys went out and cut their own Chistmas tree. That is a real woman woman for you, add to that she is pregnant and her mother is fighting cancer.
We have had a somewhat stressful week this week. It has been the end of the semester at the University of Utah. Erick spent three days this week mostly at school finishing up projects but it paid off for him. His team tied for 1st in the Frisbee throwing competition that they had to build a Frisbee thrower for. So he was feeling pretty good Thursday night. He drew up the contraption in 3-d on CAD so that impressed a few people too.
Monday night I had ESL class as usual and things to finish up for school. I got home about 8:30 p.m. Larry had done the laundry and gone shopping for me again. Plus he was working on homework for his class on Tuesday night.
Tuesday Larry took the day off to work on homework and get things finalized for his class. He got home about 10:30 p.m. from class. I stayed at school and did National Academic League practice and then stayed working on my school project waiting to see if parents would come to visit for parent teacher conference. I had sent home a letter that I would be there for them because I could not be there on Wednesday because of my class. I left at 6:00 p.m. because my visiting teachers were supposed to come at 6:30 p.m. I had a good visit with them and then put some finishing touches on what I had to do on the final presentation for Wednesday and went to bed.
Wednesday went well. My classes went good and I stayed after helping a girl with her pattern layout for Clothing. I ate the Parent Teacher conference luncheon and then went to my class. Our presentation went really well and the teacher gave us alot of conpliments on it. I came home feeling good because he said that if I finish up my schooling in IDET that there are a lot of things that I could do and encouraged me to continue.
Thursday I did not feel well all day but I made myself keep working and I stayed after school again for a couple of hours for parents again. I actually had one parent come in and I spent the time calling and emailing parents who had left their name and number the night before for the conferences. I left at 5:00 p.m. and went to a class at the University of Utah about the electronic portfolio's we have to develop for the Technology endorsement. I stopped on the way home to get some laminating I had dropped off at Kinko's for a game I wanted to play in Foods the next day. They had done the order wrong so I ended up going to look for some dice for a few minutes and then waiting for the order for an hour. I ended up getting home about 9:30 p.m. But I got the order for free because they had messed up.
Friday I forgot to hand out a sheet asking for volunteers that I had gone early to type and run off. Then the game did not go over good and I had high hopes for it. We had faculty meeting and then I read my email and by then it was 5:00 p.m. and Larry and I were going to the temple. I actually made it home in time and we made it back in time for the 6:30 p.m. session with the ward. Larry and I got dinner after the session and came home to go to bed.
Larry had stayed home Friday and gone to the doctor. He is working with the doctor on an insulin pen that makes it so he can eat more of what he wants and then give himself some insulin. He also went to the foot doctor and got fitted for some orthotics and had a check for neuropothy in his feet. I was shocked that he actually went to the doctor without having to be urged to go.
Larry worked on Saturday morning. I went up to Fran Brown and Maren gave me a manicure and pedicure and we had a good talk. I like to go in just to have the chance to talk with her. Landon called while we were there and said that Brinlie had thrown-up after taking a bottle. But she seemed to feel okay later. Maren and I went to lunch and then she had to take the car home to Landon. She tried to get Brinlie to walk for me but she wanted nothing to do with walking then.
While I was getting the manicure I called the last of my brothers and sisters and everyone said that they could come to a party on the 30th of December. Because we are going to Texas and I am in charge of the party I decided to have the Presser/Christiansen party with the Jenkins party in the after noon and then our family can open presents before or after the big party.
While talking to Kathy I found out that Amy may be getting married in June. She has a boy friend who wants to marry her but it is still up in the air for some reason. Amy also bought a town home in Provo now because she works there 4 days a week.
Aunt Chris is doing well but they expect that it will be 2 to 3 months before she can go back to work. It takes about six months to completely recover. Apparently they found out the problem was worse than they thought when they got into the surgery. She said it was the most painful thing she has been through. They have moved her bed into the family room so she can be with everyone.
I took the car in to get it serviced and got gas and a car wash. By the time I got home it was 1:40 p.m. I worked on some things on the computer and then Larry decided we had better get things ready for Matthew's birthday party. Kirsten had called and wanted a ride to the party because Jon was working, but Maren had also called and asked us to take Brinlie because Landon had got tickets to a concert before they got the invitation to the party. So we took the malibu to Kirsten and then went shopping for a present for Matthew. Kirsten had gone with her mother-in-law, Ann, to a shower for someone in Jon's family earlier in the day and was not home.
We left for the birthday party at 5:15 p.m. after Maren and Landon brought Brinlie. Brinlie walked for us then because she wanted to get to Frescas. They had the party at Chuck-e-cheese most of the family was there. Jake doesn't get home until about 7:00 p.m. so he was not there and I already mentioned that Jon and Maren and Landon couldn't make it. Kristen got there after us because Kyle got a migraine on the way down and they had to stop for him to throw up. Michelle was also late because Jaron threw up on the way down and they had to go back and clean him up. So it was a good day for throwing up.
They had everything ready. Plenty of Pizza and soda for everyone. The kids were having a ball and I was having a hard time hearing everything. Lexie was excited because she had lost her first tooth so we took a picture of her that I will add. I will also add some pictures of the party. Matther seemed to be having a good time. Jeff and Michelle's grandmother Marie was there also. She has been up this week from California visiting with them.
Grandma and Grandpa have been calling us this week trying to get us to fly but I think that we are still going to drive. Nathan and Sara would also like us to fly but Larry wants to drive.
Well, hope you are all ready for Christmas we aren't but we are getting there.
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