Thursday, February 08, 2007

Maren called on Monday and said that she had passed her state test with a 93. She was pretty excited about passing. Now she can get her license and begin working some. She and Landon have gone to St. George this week with his business. I suppose with the way things have warmed up lately it is really nice in St. George this week.

Monday I had ESL class until 6:30 p.m. after school. The Larry and I went shopping for a few things at the grocery store and to get prescriptions we both needed. We got home about 8:30 p.m. and Erick was just getting home from his ward family home evening.

Tuesday I stayed after school to help some students sew and finished a few projects for TLC and threaded a serger that needed threaded. Larry brought me the infiniti so he could take the malibu to class then I stayed longer at school and worked on getting set up for the lab the next day and put some scores in the computer. I got to bed about 9:30 p.m. I woke up at what I thought was the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and the power was out. Larry was in bed with me and I thought he was asleep. I went back to sleep worried about how the alarm would go off. The next morning the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. I was amazed. When I told Larry about my amazement he said that he had reset the alarm after the power came back on. When I ask him when he did this he said about 12:30 a.m. about the time that Erick got home. I had been so sound asleep I did not realize that Larry had got up to sleep in the recliner because he could not sleep without power to his C-Pap machine. Erick had stayed at school until late working on a project for his class and got home just as the power came on and I didnt even wake up for that. It was weird. We ended up going back to sleep for an hour and I was almost late for school so I was glad I had everything set up for the class that morning.

Yesterday I had another NAL match after school. We played Centerville Jr. High. We lost by a few points which was disappointing. Then Larry picked me up and he had bought some Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner for me because I invited some of my Hispanic Mexican neighbors over to talk about Mexican culture for a paper I have to do for my ESL class. We both enjoyed talking to Rigo and Alma Guitierrez and Margarita Tovar. There were a lot of things that were interesting but they said that in Mexico there are very few jobs available for women over 30 because there is a prejudice towards having someone who looks good working for you especially as secretaries and receptionists. They said that women my age are not hired and if they want to work they have to start their own companies.

Today Larry picked me up about 3:30 p.m. I had a meeting after school and then we went home. I had planned a primary party to celebrate the birthday of one of our children and so Margarita Tovar (who I teach with) came and most of the students and they had ice cream and cupcakes and looked at the fish. The cupcakes really made a big mess because they had lots of frosting. I am teaching 6 year olds this year and Margarita brought two of her grandsons and they really smeared the icing. Larry went and paid several bills while I was doing this. I took the kids home and when I got back he had the mess cleaned up but thought that was the messiest party I had given in a long time. Now we are at the Family History Center working our shift.

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