Sunday, April 15, 2007

It has been a busy week. We have had something everynight this week, and Larry and I have had to work late also.

Monday night Larry and I went shopping for Ethan's birthday for Family Home Evening and listened to a conference talk.

Tuesday night was Ethan's baptism. He had it with his cousin Sabrina on Daniel's side of the family because their birthdays are one day apart. It was a nice program and a great service before the baptism. We had to pick up Kirsten and her kids because Jon had to work and so we were just barely there on time. Hailee sang a great solo. She did an outstanding job.

After the baptism everyone went to Classic Skating for a party. They had rented the kareoke room and had pizza and drinks and fruit and vegetable trays for everyone. We rented inline skates and scooters for some of the kids that wanted them and then I tried to help Hailee skate around the rink. She did pretty good but wanted to skate backwards so she had a hard time staying up. I got my exercise trying to hold her up.

Wednesday night we went to the temple to do sealings. Then we had to go to Ben Franklin and get some sewing supplies for my classes. That day Maren had to bring me 75 more dishtowels that we use for aprons for my classes because I was out of the dishtowels by third period. I was so grateful that she did not have to work so she could help me out. So I had to go in and get the tax removed and get some seam rippers and rotary cutter blades.

Thursday Larry and I worked at the Family History Center from 6-9:00 p.m. Larry came to pick me up and I had just finished the grades for one of my classes. I had to print some things out and then we left in a hurry so we would not be late. As we were driving along I realized I did not have my phone. I had left it at school. I ask Larry for his so I could make a call. He said it was in the back seat in his jacket. When I looked back I said, "what jacket?" At that point we decided that He would go to the Family History Center and I would go back and get our phones and get him something to eat. It took me about an hour round trip from Kaysville to Bountiful to do that. So, I guess that I only worked at the FHC from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

After I went there I had to go shopping for school. That took another hour and a half but I was prepared for my demo the next day.

Friday we stayed at my school until about 9:30 p.m. Larry was helping me with various clean up projects as I worked on my grades. I finished all except one class. Larry got so tired he went down to the Faculty room and laid on the sofa for a while. I really appreciate the sacrifices he makes for me all the time.

Saturday Larry had to work. I went to Maren's work to get my hair done. It is free for family so you cannot beat that. I then went shopping for birthday gifts for the Monthly birthday party we are having today. After that I went home and Larry was home and we went shopping for food for the party. I had had a headache all day and Larry didn't get much sleep so we laid done down for a minute and the next thing we knew it was 2 hours later. I got up and went to a wedding reception for a boy in the ward but Larry said he didn't feel good.

Well everyone is coming for the party so I will write more later.

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