It has been a busy week. Yesterday I went to Relief Society Super Saturday with Maren and we make a vinyl lettering tile with the saying, "Christ is the center of our home, A guest at every meal, A silent listener to every conversation." (I have always liked Michelle's.) Maren made a flower bow for Brinlie's hair and I made a watch with a beaded band. It was fun. Brinlie enjoyed the nursery so much she did not want to go home.
Before that I went to a garage sale that I heard about on the FACS listserve from the state. They were selling fabric that a lady had collected that has now passed away. I bought three boxes full of fabric for my students projects for $115.00. I could not believe that one women had collected so much fabric. Their were two garages full of boxes.
When I got home Larry was not feeling well. He was nauseated and had a headache and said he felt like his eyeballs were going to pop out. I was concerned because of his diabetes and after listening to him I decided to call the doctor and take him in. They did not have lab facilities on Saturday so after checking him out the doctor suggested that I take him to the ER. After 5 hours of tests and two bags of fluids because he was dehydrated, they decided that he had a virus and sent him home. He had a really rough night last night with diarrhea but after being on a liquid diet for 24 hours he is starting to eat the BRAT(Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) diet and feels a little better.
Needless to say I went to church alone today. It was Tyler Wall's welcome home speech. He just returned from a mission in Bulguria. He said that people are really suspious of the missionaries there and often not really kind so they are trying to show charity to them by serving them so that they can see that we have good intentions. The theme of the meeting today was Charity. He talked about some of the challenges he had and pointed out that he had learned as it says in D&C 82:10,the Lord is bound to help you if you do what he says. One of the things he learned was that he could love his companion no matter what with the Lord's help. He talked about a rainy day that they decided to go out and track even though it meant that they would get soaked. About half way up in the building they were in they found someone who would listen to the message and got excited about it. He felt like it was a blessing for doing what they were supposed to do. He mentioned that he was in a singing group that toured the mission for a while introducing new hymns that had been translated into Bulgarian and what a powerful influence for good music can be in helping others to feel the spirit.
The have a primary song this year in the presentation that really is inspirational, I think. It is called, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" by Sally DeFord.
Rod Page talked for a few minutes and introduced the way he likes to think of Charity. Moroni defines charity as the pure love of Christ. Rod suggested that we think of it as, "Charity is loving like Christ." I thought that was a good idea for implementing Charity in our lives. He also quoted Pres. Hinckley, "Security lies in the virtue of our lives." and "Try a little harder to be a little better."
Last Monday after school, I worked on homework I had for my class. I was working on a document on Google Docs with Jennie Hogle. We had to give a presentation on a chapter in our book about developing Problem Solving lessons. I also had to read an article and then comment online on some questions about the article. Larry was at his class.
Tuesday I worked on some of the homework again but before we got home Larry and I went to get some of his prescriptions and decided to try and vote early. We went to the Layton Library and the line was completely around the inside of the library. They said it was a 35 minute wait and we decided it was not worth the wait that night. I think it was Tuesday that I was reading my email and got an invitation from Nikki to be her friend on Facebook. I went in to confirm that I would be her friend and ended up spending about a half hour there doing things and chatting with Nathan who was also on line.
Wednesday I had students staying after school until 4:00 p.m. work off their U's for citzenship. Then I had an insurance meeting to attend at the district. Maren and I had talked about going to the YMYW Halloween Carnival that they were sponsoring for the Primary kids but I almost forgot and when I called Maren she was in Salt Lake so we didn't go. I had also talked to Kirsten about going but I could not get hold of her on the phone so I guess that means they decided not to go.
Thursday was my class. Larry went with me. He did not want to drive home even though the traffic has been wonderful ever since Legacy opened. The presentation went okay but I was not feeling estatic about it. Larry got bored and went somewhere else after about two presentations.
Friday I was hoping to work on recording papers but Larry and I were so tired we went to bed at about 8:15 p.m. after eating at Taco Time. I thought I might get something done on Saturday but we already know that did not happen so I am going to have to work harder this week because it is the end of the term.
Nathan just called and said that they have some cute pumpkins on Sara's blog so I guess I will go look at those.
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