Sunday, August 30, 2009

Well, I made it through the first week of school. I have a motorized scooter that I can drive around school so I can stay off my feet and it helped a lot. I seem to have really good classes so far but time will tell.

Larry and I are delegates to the county convention and the senator from Davis County was just put in as the new lieutenent governor so we have had a lot of phone calls this week from delegates wanting our vote at the county convention on Sept. 12th. Even a few free meals. There are a lot of good candidates so I am having a hard time trying to decide who I want for sure.

Larry is not feeling very well today. He overdid working on the yard yesterday and he forgot to go buy his blood pressure medication last night and he is out. He slept for 12 hours last night and he is in bed sleeping now. He was feeling better earlier today. We went to church and taught our primary class and he did not seem to be feeling bad until about 5:00 p.m.

Maren was up all night with Gauge throwing up. She has had a lot of hard nights lately. I wish I could help her more. She was able to go to sacrament in another ward today and then Shirley tended Guage while she and Landon went and taught their lesson.

Well I was going to try to upload pictures but I think that I will not worry about it tonight.

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