Sunday, January 20, 2013

I don't know how this will post but I wrote this on January 13, 2013 but I was not able to post the pictures at that time so I saved it as a draft.

Today has been a pretty peaceful day so far.  We have early church and so we get up and get going earlier than we did for Sunday last year.  We had a great Sacrament Meeting on the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals the Bishopric has set for our ward:
Personal and Family Prayer
Personal and Family Scripture Study
Family Dinnertime
Daily Acts of Service
Personal Journal/History
The Bishop stressed that the Three Sunday School answers are Prayer, Scripture Study and Service.  In other words it is important that we are doing those each day if we want the blessings and help that our Heavenly Father wants to give us.
This was the picnic table after the first snow- picnic anyone!

Family Home Evening
Date Night/Nurture Family Relations
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
Attend all Church meetings
Help Neighbors
The executive secretary spoke on these goals.  He stressed that if we are attending church and Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy that the others will come easier.

Attend the Temple
Parent interviews/Family Activities
Generous Fast Offering
Home and Visiting Teaching
Provident Living Goal
The Bishops counselor stressed that Attending the Temple is the primary goal here that will help us to have the courage to accomplish the other goals.

The snow blew right up to our back door something that is unusual

Maintain or Get a Current Temple Recommend
Participate in Stake and General Conference
Pay a full Tithe and attend Tithing Settlement
Prepare and Preform Ancestor's Temple Ordinances
Develop Talent
Missionary Activity
The counselor that spoke on the Yearly Goals did a magnificent job of Relating the importance of the first four yearly goals by talking about one of his ancestors that helped to build the temple in Nauvoo before they left for the west.  He talked about how he had to pay tithing to help with the temple construction and then he was able to get his endowment before he left for the west.  Then he talked about how it is important to find ancestors who did not have the opportunity of getting their temple ordinances in this life and helping them to have the same opportunity as his ancestor.

It was a great meeting and made me want to work on some of the goals that I am not so great at getting done like working on my journal.

Sunday School was on the importance of understanding the atonement of Jesus Christ.  He challenged us to listen to the song "I stand all amazed" this week several times.

The front walk after the first snow
Relief Society was the George Albert Smith lesson on learning by faith.  I came away with a renewed commitment to continue to study the scriptures and to attend the temple more diligently.

Last Sunday Erick and Heather and Ryker came over to visit in the evening.  I had found some things that belonged to John and he was anxious to see those.  I had also been able to print out some Fan Charts on Friday and Erick seemed to enjoy looking at those and seeing who still needed work on but it comes from and when we looked on Family Tree at Familysearch there were some of the holes filled in. 

Ryker always wants me to go on Bluemountain. com and show him the "puppy".  We generally have to look at all the animated e-cards on the site for Birthday's before he is satisfied. He squeals and yells and even knows how to make it replay if I put the mouse arrow in the right place.
After the second snow when the neighbors did our sidewalks
Monday we had to visit the bank and ran errands.  I worked on my Familysearch Support Mission from 2-5 and then we decided to make homemade salsa for Family Home Evening Treat.  I once again made Salsa too hot for the Mexicans so on Tuesday we added everything from the recipe except more peppers and then it is still hot.  It has tasted good though.

Tuesday morning I have a  meeting for the FSS mission at 8:30 am and then I had another at 3:00 pm with the Mission Leaders.  I am now a Mission Leader Assistant (MLA) so I am privileged to attend those meetings. Larry has gained new energy from losing weight at Weight Watcher's so he spends the afternoon cleaning while I am doing my mission.

Tuesday evening I had to teach a class on attaching sources in Family Tree at  It was really frustrating because none of the things I was trying to do was working on the computer.  I tried to switch browsers because sometimes Internet Explorer does not show sources in FTFS but none of them would work.  I eventually had to try to explain how to create a source because it would not bring up the template.
After the second snow our house buried
Wednesday I have another meeting in the morning but we woke up to no Internet or TV service so it was a quiet day.  I worked more in finding places for things I have in boxes in my office and Larry had to go to the eye doctor at the Veteran's Administration. He came home very satisfied with the service he got in Ogden so he is going to transfer everything there from Salt Lake City.

Wednesday night Larry and I both were on a panel of people in the ward that have served missions of various kinds.  It was a very spiritual experience and there were a lot of testimonies of the Lord being in the small things in our lives.  Many experiences where the missionaries were in the right place to be the person to help someone with receiving the gospel.

Thursdays we help from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm at LDS Employment as missionaries.  We have a stake we are over as mentors and we call or email the people that have signed up at from that stake to help them in their job search.  We also spend some time looking for jobs for ourselves while we are there as we are both looking for jobs to cover our expenses.  If you are young and reading this make sure you are working on your retirement now so you will not be in the position we are in of having to go back to work after retirement.

The picnic table after the second storm 
A lot of the time in the evenings we work on our laptops and watch something on TV. Larry and I like the new TV program called "Elementary" and it is really convenient to watch what we want on Xfinity on demand TV programs.

I mentioned before that Larry and I are doing weight watchers.  We go on Thursday's to weigh when we go for lunch from the mission.  This week Larry lost 5.2 lbs and reached his 10% goal of losing 10% of the weight he weighed when we started, that is about 30 lbs.  I lost 2.6 and I am just a lb shy of losing my 10% at 20 lbs. lost.  The thing that is great for us is that Larry is getting off of insulin and his blood sugar is under control.  As a result he feels better and is more active.  We walk a lot and do more things around the house that we could not do the last few years.

Thursday night the snow came in and it snowed from Thursday evening until Saturday afternoon.  I am posting some pictures of the snow in Kaysville.  We got about 18 inches overall.  It took us 2 hours Friday morning to dig Larry's car and truck out and shovel the walks but it felt so good to be doing it ourselves.  And of course the temperatures plummeted so it has been very cold but not in the minus figures.  Davis School District canceled school Friday because of the snow which is almost unheard of in Utah, but they were not the only school district in the state.

Friday afternoon I worked on my mission and Larry started cleaning out the garage so we have a place to put his car in.  We are finding all kinds of treasures that we thought we had lost.  But, we are also finding a lot of trash also.  It is a good thing that garbage pick up is Monday because we have both our Trash cans full and the Recycle can also.
The bridge is almost buried by the snow
Friday evening Larry and I looked at some of his genealogy as I had to teach a class on how to add and correct relationships in Family Tree at  We found a few things that needed correcting and I was able to give a class at the FamilySearch center that went well but Larry had to dig out the truck while I was doing my hair because it had snowed again through the night.  While we were working at the Center we called Judy as we were the only ones there and talked to her about some of the genealogy that we had found.

Our wonderful neighbors finished digging us out while we were at the Family Search Center so we were able to go to Lehi to see Mom and help her with a few things.  She is doing well but does not like the snow and the cold.  She was complaining that she could not get warm the night before even with several blankets.  She only had a skiff of snow in Lehi.  The northern end of Utah County did not get much snow for some reason.  It is always good to see her.  She is doing well after Dad's death even though she misses him dearly.  She has been good to reach out to other widows in the ward and have them go to Senior Lunch at the Senior citizen center or to Church.

Well that brings us back to Sunday.  We have had a quiet afternoon.  Larry took a nap and I talked to several of the kids on the phone.  We are going to do endowments with some of the names I have printed on the 24th of January at the Bountiful Temple.  We are also going to celebrate January Birthdays on January 28th when Maren is here.  Life is good.

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