Sunday, March 10, 2013

I wrote this post on the 10th of March.  I intended to add some pictures but I got sick the next day and it has taken this long to get back.  Hopefully you will enjoy it with no pictures and I can move on.

Spring has come to Kaysville this week.  Most of the snow is melted except on the north sides and big piles in parking lots.  The sun has been out some days in abundance but we had a few cloudy days also.  When it stormed it was mostly in the mountains.

I woke up this morning and had a gruff voice.  That has escalated through the day to a really gruff voice and being extremely tired.  I guess I might be coming down with something.

It has been a busy week.  Monday we got the fan charts that I had printed for my kids packaged and sent most of them to the kids out of town I didn't have BJ's new address so I had to wait to send his.  Larry did not want to do them for his kids yet because there is hardly anything on nfs about Diane's family so he decided to work on that for a while before he printed them.  That was my birthday present for them.  We sent them all though regardless of when their birthday's are because I didn't want to lose them or have them get messed up.

We went grocery shopping in the afternoon and got some more fruits and vegetables and milk.  We eat about 20-30 lbs of fresh fruit since we are on Weight Watcher's because they are 0 points.

Larry was frustrated that his computer was not being repaired so he started to set up the desktop computer and he could not get that to turn on.  So then he was more frustrated.  He has not been able to get into his email all week even on my computer and so he has been doing a lot of cleaning and fixing up.
I also got mad at my phone in the evening and went to the mall to see if they could get it to have sound.  I had no sound on speaker phone when I was listening to my messages.  Note to self:  Do not buy another Samsung Stratosphere!!!

 Larry went to the endocrinologist on Tuesday morning  the doctor was very impressed with his progress on losing weight and getting his blood sugar down but Larry was disappointed to find out that the monitor that Medicare had given him could not be used to record his blood sugar at the doctors for a read out.  They gave him a new one to use but he is still waiting for the test strips to come for the new one.

 I got a message that I was not going to considered for the job at Salt Lake Community College on linked in.  It was a job I thought I had a chance at so I was really bummed.  I thought that maybe I did not have a good resume because I did not even get a chance to interview it kind of put me down.

We went to Kirsten's at 12:00 p.m. and I was going to tend Taylor so Kirsten could work and Larry was going to help Jon bleed the breaks so he could get his truck registered.  They got that done pretty quickly and Larry went to get the truck registered but then they would not pass the steering mechanism so he still could not get it registered.

I played with Taylor.  She likes to play games right now and as soon as you get it out and set up and play a couple of rounds she walks away.  It is nice that she does not have to wear the oxygen anymore.  They had the steri strips off her face and she has to wear a salve so she doesn't get scars.  She was cute.  She lifted her dress to show me that her surgical scars are healing.

Tuesday I worked most of the afternoon on trying to find jobs and applying for jobs.  I joined the U of U Alumni association so I could get the six months of Job search help and it took me most of the afternoon. to figure that out.  I also went into Simply Hired to sign up for a job they sent me and now I am signed up for about 3 other websites for job search including some Engineer's site!

Wednesday I went to the Dermatologist and they burned off two spots of pre-cancer, a wart and told me that a spot on my leg was just a patch of dry skin even thought it is round.  While I was at doctor Larry went shopping at Bowman's and went to Pet's Co and bought a light for the fish tank and then he let himself watch TV and relax which he does not do very often.

Wednesday afternoon we also spent looking for jobs.

Thursday we went to our mission.  I was a little down because I had read an article on saving for retirement in AARP's website and realized that we have done everything wrong lately and so now we are having to find jobs.  We went to lunch and went to weigh at Weight Watcher's and I had lost 2.8 lbs and Larry had lost 4.6.  That raised my spirit's some because we have been in a funk on losing and gaining.  I had finally made it past 198!  But then we went home to lunch and DATC called me for an interview the next day!  I was really excited!!! At least they liked my resume.  It helped me feel better all day. I spent the evening preparing for the interview.

Friday I had the interview at 9:30 a.m.  It went well.  I did the best I knew how.  If I don't get it is because there is someone more qualified or my personality did not click with theirs.

Friday afternoon we went down to Mom's to help her.  We went down to Modern Shoe in Provo and she picked out some shoes for church occasions.  I thought they looked nice and they are a comfortable brand that supports her foot.  That was all she wanted us to do. I am beginning to believe what Dad used to say, "Mom does not like to do things that mess up the house"  That includes deep cleaning right now.  But it is good to go and visit her each week.  I realize that Mom has been in Dad's shadow for so long that it is good to have time to spend just with her.

We went home and ate and watched the Mentalist on TV and then I had to work on a class that I had to teach for the Family Search Center the next morning at 9:00 a.m.  It wasn't a class that was all planned out in the reference book for Family Tree so I was up until about midnight. I still didn't feel good about the class when I went to bed but with the Lord's help I was able to do a good job.

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