I stayed up too late last night so I sure did not want to get up this morning but Larry wasn't tired because he went to bed like he should have. I had a headache but I took an Excedrin Migraine and it went away.
We did some laundry and dishes after we had breakfast and prayer and scriptures then we went to Weight Watcher's. We had already weighed at home and knew that we had gained and so we were not surprised that we were right. Larry gained 4 pounds and I gained 3 pounds but part of mine was I decided to wear my shoes so I didn't have to take them off for the winter. I probably gained a pound. I don't know why other than we were not very active on the weekend. So we went to the gym and worked out for a while.
When we got home I noticed my phone was ringing. It was Maren and she had tried to call me about 5 times. I had not heard or felt it at the gym. She was upset because Landon is getting deployed to a ship for about 9 months to a year. They were expecting it in January but now he has to be ready by next Monday. She was upset because she did not know what to do and what she would have to take care of. She was also upset because Landon will not be able to be there for Christmas now and though she recognized that they could help her a lot this week she was upset because Landon's parents are coming for Thanksgiving and she needs to get ready for that also. We talked for a about 10 minutes and then she had to go because Landon was calling. I have texted her a couple of times but she has not answered so I suppose she figured out what she needed to do and is busy. Larry said that she should have someone on base that should walk her through what she needs to do so I hope that is true. Maren said that they have a good Home teacher that can help with this and that there is a missionary couple there at the base that it is their job to help members of the church to have the help they need.
After Maren called we ate lunch and then both of us went to work on different paper work. I had to finish up my Usborne book party. I had about $100.00 of sales so I got $50 of free books and then I was able to buy another $70.00 dollars of books for half price. So I have a few presents for my Grandkids for Christmas and I was able to help Kirsten with her party.
Then I balanced the checkbook and recorded the information on our spreadsheet that helps us track our budget. We balanced with about a dollar and a half left so I am glad we get paid on Wednesday.
I also finally put our printer on KSL.com to sell. They already have about 600 so I don't know how successful we will be but it is worth a try and it is a printer that we are not using. It was only used for 7 months and is in good shape but it is not wireless so that may be a problem.
My visiting teachers came to visit at 4:00 p.m. We had a good discussion on a variety of subjects. Carol Harris and her husband are not having family for Thanksgiving so we talked about going out to dinner together. She had to talk to her husband, Dennis.
I felt pretty good about what I had accomplished in the afternoon when I was finished but it doesn't look like much when I am writing it now.
We ate dinner and went to the gym. Then we went to Kirsten's to have Family Home Evening with them. I gave a lesson from the Friend on Gratitude and at the end I talked about how Nathan having to learn to use his body again had made me very grateful for my body that works so well. I mentioned the text that I had received and Kirsten said that she had received the same text so I wonder if he sent it to all his brothers and sisters. It made me feel a little less special but that is my problem.
We came home and read and said prayer and now I am trying to finish up my rituals for the evening. I already tracked my food for Weight Watchers and I linked my active link. I ended up with 4 more points for my food so I was glad I had earned 6 pts tonight for activity. Now when I finish this it will be time to go to bed an hour and a half before last night so I am getting better. Hopefully I can keep it up.
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