Monday, December 02, 2013

Dec 2

Well the day started out pretty good.  I slept in until 8:00 am and I did not set my alarm because I was up so late last night.  And this time Larry slept in with me.

I stayed up at first last night because I started automatching in Rootsmagic the file I have for my ancestors with Family Search.  If you don't stay there the computer goes to sleep and the program will not auto match if the computer is asleep.  That finally finished about 11:00 p.m. Then I went to email a picture to Carla Whittaker in the ward for the Christmas party on the 14th and when I went to look for more pictures I discovered that somehow my pictures of the slides that I am trying to get ready to copy onto CD's was deleted.  I went into my Carbonite backup and found the picture file after looking for about an hour for the pictures on the computer.  It was there thank heaven but it really takes a long time to restore a file.  And restoring a file is the same as auto matching.  If the computer goes to sleep then it quits.  I waited for the first file to restore and went in to see if it was there and realized that it had only backed up part of the file and that there was more missing.  I started the restore process for that but I could not stay up long enough to wait for it as I was really getting tired.  I decided to see if it would finish when I was asleep but it did not so I had to get it finished this afternoon.

 We did all the morning rituals and then went to Weight Watchers.  I was surprised because I lost 3.8 lbs today after all of the high point days last week.  Probably because I fasted yesterday.  I only have 2.8 lbs to go before I am at a goal weight that I can stop having to pay for weight watchers.  I was excited but Larry gained again so he was not happy.

After we went to the gym and work for about an hour and a half.  Larry always gets done before me and instead of doing more he just sits and waits for me.  I think, "why don't you take advantage of the time to do more."  But he says that he is doing more than me so I guess it shouldn't bug me.

We went to Bowman's and bought some food so we have several new things for this week.  We just went for Bananas which we cannot live without, we have decided, but we ended up getting about $75 worth of groceries.

Kyle borrowed Larry's computer for the weekend and Kirsten came to get the present for BJ while she was down to the dentist and forgot it so Larry went to get it after lunch. I went to work on the bills at first but found that the one file had not downloaded so it took me about an hour to download that plus some drama with Jon and Kirsten was going on then.

I worked on the bank account so we would know how much money we have.  After I subtracted all of the bills that need to come out automatically and what we have spent.   We have $70.19 left over so that was kind of a bummer.  Again it is only the 2nd day of the month and we are almost out of money.  Of course I need to add that we get paid on the 4th Wednesday of the month for some of it.  But at least we had enough to cover the bills that we have and we have bought about $300.00 worth of Food with the pay checks we just got last week.  Part of the problem though was that I thought I had gone in and stopped payment on our house payment with Wells Fargo and then when I went in to look it had been paid.  I swear I have Alzheimers lately with some of the things I forget.  So that was $1195 that we should have had because we are supposed to close on our loan this week soon.

Larry fixed dinner so I could finish up the budget.  He fixed pork chops and vegetables with potatoes and cantaloupe.  It was yummy.

We went to the Empty Nester Family Home Evening tonight.  It was fun.  They played a lot of games and we played songs with the Peterson's pipe bells.  It was crazy how many of them could not follow directions though.  I was disappointed because they did not have a lesson but I guess who ever was in charge thought we needed a  Christmas Party instead.  But it was fun.  They had about 15 there this time.

Larry and I walked over and back.  It was starting to rain a little when we were coming home.  It was warm.  Larry didn't even wear a coat.  We got a few sprinkles on us but we were not wet.  It is supposed to snow tomorrow so maybe it was getting started.

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