Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23 and before

Today I flew out to Maren and Landon's in Richlands, North Carolina.  The day started out good when I got up but after eating, almost finishing packing and getting dressed Larry came home from his sleep study and I started getting nauseated.  No Larry did not make me sick.  I tried to settle my stomach but nothing worked and finally I was throwing up my breakfast.  I mistakenly took double of my pills last night and I don't know if that is what caused it but I had a bad stomach until about 1:15 p.m.  Larry gave me a blessing and told me I would get better so he took me to the airport and I got to the gate before I threw up again.  I was able to throw up quiet without much notice in the garbage can before I boarded the plane.  When I got on the plane I was able to sit for a while and eat some apple juice and pretzels that got electrolytes back in me and I started feeling better. While flying I was able to finish the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt and start the first part of The Old Testament made easy by David Bridges.  So it was a fairly productive trip despite my stomach problems. By the time I got to Maren's I was fine but I sure was hungry tonight.  It was hard to feel full and Maren had a great dinner, Brown sugar and Garlic Chicken, cheese Rice-a-Roni, fruit salad and green beans with Girl Scout cookies for dessert.

We ate dinner at Maren's and then they put on the Frozen soundtrack to listen to while they all helped with the dishes and then we got ready to play a game called "Beat the Parents"  it is a Disney trivia game that the kids really enjoy.  Then they had family prayer and we all started for bed.  Ellie came down to sit in my lap while I called Larry so I had a chance to hug her.  It is good to be here with them.  They really had a good spirit in their home tonight.

I got word today that my Aunt Dona died today about 1:30 p.m.  She has been really sick for several weeks so it is really a blessing but I am sure that it is hard for Mom.  Dona is my mom's sister.  I called her tonight and she said that she was sad yet relieved because Dona had been so sick.  I don't know when the funeral will be but probably before I get back.  Hopefully Larry will go to represent us.

Just some highlights of the week.

Sunday was my niece's mission farewell in Bountiful.  Maryn Jenkins is going to the Laie Hawaii Temple visitor's center for her mission.  She gave a beautiful talk about how the spirit had prompted her on several occasions that she needed to go on a mission and that she needed to go now.  It was good to see her with her own testimony and conviction that she needed to go.  After we went to the house and ate way to many sweets and Hawaiian haystacks.  It was fun to see some of my family that I don't see as often as I would like and talk with them.

Monday I was excited to lose 4 lbs again at weight watchers.  It made me feel better because I had several slips with sweets last week like at Maryn's farewell.

Despite the fact that I got up and started going I could not get feeling better and was aching so much that I finally decided that it was not my fibromyalgia but the cold that has been going around.  I went to the gym in the morning for a while but then I went home and took a nap for most of the afternoon trying to get feeling better.  When Larry wanted to go to the gym for Family Home Evening I said not me so he stayed home too and we did some studying on the church website for Family Home Evening.  I went in and learned how to transfer sources from Family Tree to my Roots Magic files and downloaded the sources that I had put on my dad.

Tuesday we slept in but then my fever broke during the night and I felt better so after morning things we went to the gym.  When we got back we called to see if we were still going to close on our refinance loan and they finally said yes at 4:00 p.m..  So I worked on curriculum until we had to go about 3:30 p.m. and we went to sign the papers for our loan.  This will make it so our interest rate is 3.78 and it is a 15 year loan instead of a 30 year loan.  Because Larry has an abatement on the property taxes for the house because of his disability status the payment was actually less than they had quoted us so it did not go up that much more for changing to a 15 year loan. 

Kirsten wanted Larry to give her a blessing after dinner and then we went to the gym in the evening and we ran into the Bishop and his wife after when we stopped at the grocery store.  The Bishop was on the phone so we talked to his wife and told her now it would be wonderful if we got our mission call on Wednesday and she got all excited too but then after we got home the Bishop called and said that when he checked it online it said waiting to be assigned like last week so we were a little disappointed but at least he called so we did not have to anticipate it for one more day.

Wednesday morning we finally got paid and we got up and went to the temple in the late morning.  I don't think that I have seen the temple so busy ever in all the time I have attended the Bountiful temple.  The parking lot was full and we had to use lockers in the back of the dressing room.  They have a new temple film so I suppose that is part of it.  They just came out with a new one in the summer but now they have another one and they said in the Deseret News that they had two so that there would be variety.  It will really give variety too.  This film is different than some of the interpretations of the temple ceremony.

When we got out of the temple I had a text that Taylor was really sick and that Kirsten needed to borrow a thermometer and wanted Larry to give her a blessing.  So we went and got a thermometer at Smith's and went there as soon as we could.  Taylor had been coming down with the cough and cold type stuff.  Kirsten said that the doctor said that he thought it was RSV and that she needed to watch her temperature.  When we took it it was 100.5 but Kirsten had given her some ibuprofen and cough syrup while she was waiting for us so it could have gone down.  She had fallen asleep but Larry gave her a blessing anyway.

Then we went home to buy our tickets to come to Maren's.  We have been planning to come for a long time but because of various things we never had the money to buy the tickets.  We went in and they wanted $707.00 for a night flight but I had promised Maren and Landen that I would get there to babysit on Friday before 8:00 a.m and it did not land until 8:33 a.m.  The next tickets that came during the day were $834 per person round trip.  We decided that we could not afford to pay that much for both of us and Larry said that he would stay home.  I did not want to leave him home but knew that he was right that we did not have enough for both of us so I just bought the one ticket.  We had gone in on Tuesday night and looked for a minute and it was $739.00 per ticket then but we did not have the money until Wednesday so I was shocked when it went up $100.00

Larry had to go to a sleep study that evening so we ate and then got him ready to go and then I tried to pack after he was gone.  I took my pills and then I was going to pack my pills for the evening for today in a bag in my purse in case I needed them before the suitcase got opened.  I got them all in a cup and picked them up and took them again without realizing what I was doing until I had taken another batch.  They are mostly pain pills so I thought I would be okay.  It seemed that I had a hard time sleeping, I woke up every hour and I never felt like I was asleep most of the night, then this morning I got sick so I don't know what to think.

Well it is late her and so I had been get to bed even if it is only 9:30 p.m. Utah time.

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