Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16th and before

Well, February 16th is our grandson Isaac's birthday.  He turns 9 today.  They grow up so fast.  We are excited because soon we will be close to him and his brothers and sisters in San Antonio so we will see them more often.
Isaac eating his birthday dinner, ramen noodles and hot dogs

Today is Sunday so, of course, we went to church.  It was a great Sacrament meeting.  It was on the 2nd Article of Faith:"We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgression."  It was interesting to see the different ways that the topic was treated by the 4 speakers.  The youth speakers tended to talk about why we believe that and how that is different from most of the Christian world.  We had a missionary reporting his mission and he stressed how important it is for youth and adults to chose to be a follower of Christ and make good choices like Adam did.  He talked about the importance of choosing to do the things that we know are right even though the world may give us a bad time.   The High Council speaker talked about the concept of punishment.  He stressed that God will only punish us by the consequences of our sins and transgressions and that he loves us and is a kind an loving father who is trying to help us find happiness in this life and the next.

Sunday School is the Marriage and Family Relations Class.  Today we started the first lesson in the 8 about how to raise our children.  It was called Children are and heritage from the Lord.   I found that there was a lot that I could relate to in the first lesson as my children are all adults. Everytime I go through a lesson like this I hope to find that there was something that I did right as a Mother.  It is such a tremendous job to be a Mother.  One thing I tried to do that the lesson talked about was to listen to my children.  Although they would say that maybe not enough.  I remember many times turning off something that I was interested in on the Radio or TV so that I could listen to what a child was saying.  Sometimes not very happily too.

Relief Society talked about the Plan of Salvation.  It focused on what we need to do to be happy.  The 5 things are:
  1. Have Faith in Jesus Christ
  2. Repent of any wrongdoings
  3. Be Baptized by someone with the proper authority
  4. Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost
  5. Endure to the End
Larry and I have been reading the Book of Mormon for our Mission and I have been reading the Old Testament because that is the course of study for this year and it seems that those 5 things are the basics of the Gospel everywhere.  That is the importance of what we need to do.  In Relief Society they emphasized that Jesus died for each of us individually and that he is just waiting for us to return to him so that he can relieve us of our pain and suffering.  I know that in my life when I have turned to the Savior and asked him for his help that I have found the peace and joy I was looking for.

This afternoon we have been doing family history stuff.  Larry found the sign that was on his baby bed in the hospital that said that is name was Laurence David Presser so apparently between then and the birth certificate they changed their minds to Laurence Edward Presser.

We had a chance to talk to Isaac and to Maggie and Sara this evening for a few minutes.  Isaac was excited about what he got for his birthday.

I have not written since Wednesday because I was too tired most nights so I will try to give you the highlights.

Wednesday we got some papers from a support couple that has been assigned to us telling us about the different jobs in the mission office that we could do.  They all seemed a bit overwhelming but "whom the Lord calls he qualifies".  We talked to them and found out that we will be in the MTC for about 2 weeks.  We will be finished on the 21st so we could start out that day or after the weekend but as we will have no where to stay we thought that we would start that day and go to Centerfield, Utah for a niece's son's wedding luncheon and then go on from there.

I worked most of the day on Wednesday on the Curriculum except for when we went to the gym.  Larry started getting the house in order for when we rent it.

On Monday we had taken the Malibu down to have a member of our ward sell it at the auto auction. We thought we would hear on whether it had sold or not but we did not hear.  They said it could sell anywhere from 1800 to 3000 so we were hopeful it would sell in the higher end.  Thursday Dave called and said that it had sold but it was in arbitration.  He said that was good because it sold for 3100 so when it is over 3000. they have to go into arbitration for some reason.  We were excited because we need about 3000 to take with us for the first month.

Thursday was about the same as Wednesday.  I worked until about 6:30 p.m. but I was excited because I finished the chapter I was working on so I only have one more chapter.  When I finished I was going to start making something for dinner because Larry had not made anything but then he said that he wanted to go to Golden Corral because he had been watching an ad all day on television about their Lobster deal.  So we went to Golden Corral and had lobster and steak and tried to be good Weight Watchers people.

Friday we went to the gym and I was finally able to do all the things that I was doing before I got sick at Maren's.  Then we went to get our second hepatitis A and B immunization.  We got home about 12:30 p.m.  Just in time to tend Taylor for Kirsten and Jon while they went to counseling.

Taylor is easy to tend.  She likes to watch Disney Junior and we worked on making some valentines for my grandchildren together.  I gave her extra envelopes to write on so she could help me.  We had a good afternoon but I could not get any other work done.  Kirsten and Jon came back about 4:00 P.M.

We had planned to go to Rootstech with Kyle and then we got sick last week so we told him that we would do something that he wanted to do this weekend.   When I realized that it was Valentine's Day I told him we could wait but he said that he would like to go out on Valentine's.  After much thought he decided that he wanted to go to a show.  So we picked him up about 4:30 p.m. to go to dinner at Applebee's.  The theory being that if we went early it would not be crowded.  We were wrong!!! Everyone must have had the same idea so we had to wait for about 20 minutes for dinner. 
I was so proud of myself because it was the first time I went to dinner and stayed within my Weight Watcher's points!!! Applebee's have some Weight Watchers entrees that are about 12 points so that was good.

After dinner we went to AMC to see the Lego movie in 3-D.  It was a cute movie.  It was awesome in 3-D.  All in all we had a good time and had a chance to spend some one on one time with Kyle our oldest grandchild.

Saturday we got up and went to the Family Search Center as we had promised we would work for two more weeks.  There were a lot of people working there so it didn't seem they needed us but I did get to help a lady figure out where she needed to look for some help with a German ancestor.  I showed her the wiki and then we looked at the German records on

While we were there Erick called and said that they were planning to come down and get some of his stuff out of the house so we can rent it.  They got there about 12:30 p.m.  We had fun talking to them while they ate and then they decided to pack the fish tank and his drums.  Apparently his in-laws agreed to take it in there basement.  I told him he should take the drums home and put them in Ryker's room! Lol

About 2:00 p.m. we left to go to Mom's to help her.  She had me vacuum the kitchen and bathroom and the back stairs then we went to Provo Town Center to trade in some nylons she had got from JC Penney's.  Then we went to University Mall to take back some pajamas that she had bought that did not fit.  Then we went to Lehi and ate at Culver's and went to Lowe's to get furnace filters and light bulbs.  By the time we got back to Mom's it was 7:30 p.m. just in time for her to watch Lawrence Welk.

Keith called and I talked to him a few minutes.  He was just checking on Mom also.  Annette was there too but she was off doing something with her children and grandchildren.  We then drove home and went promptly to bed after prayer and scripture.

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