Sunday, February 09, 2014

February 9th and before

Well it has been a week since I wrote on our blog.  We have both been very ill.  It has not been a fun week.

Today we went to church because the Bishop had asked us to read our calls to the ward and bear our testimonies.  We went but came home after Sunday School.  I had asked Heavenly Father to help me feel better last night and I did but when we got home today all the aches and pains seemed to return.

We spent most of the day today doing things to get ready for our mission.  We had 3 more episodes of the District to watch and then we spent some time reading the missionary handbook together until we were both losing our voices.  We have been listening to three chapters of the Book of Mormon together at night and in the morning in an attempt to read the Book of Mormon again before we go to the mission.  I am always amazed at the many beautiful concepts that are in the Book of Mormon when I read it and the feeling of peace that I feel.  I realized that the whole point of the Book of Mormon is to bring people to Christ and to repent and be baptized and teach us the plan of Happiness.

Larry put on the TV for a few minutes before he went to bed and I was reminded that I did not get to see the Beatles on TV 50 years ago because I needed to go to church.  I was a teenager then so it was kind of important to me, but I made my own decision.  Back in the day we went back to Sacrament meeting in the evening.  I knew I would be blessed for not missing church and 20 years later and tonight I was able to see the performance several times.  I guess it all is in your perspective but I feel like I didn't miss a thing and I was strengthened in my faith by being obedient.

During the week here are a few of the highlights.

Monday we went to Weight Watchers and weighed in.  We both gained weight.  I was the worst at 3.2lbs.  I have decided that I cannot do Simple Start.  I get too out of control and think I can eat anything and that is just not the case.  We did not stay to class because of our colds and Larry took me home and then he went to the gym but that is the last time either one of us had gone all week.

Most of the first part of the week I spent working on our finances and the curriculum anything that made it so I did not have to talk.  I finally finished Chapter 13 and turned it inThursday.  I have two more chapters to write.

I was supposed to talk to a lawyer for Nathan but had to postpone it because I could not talk and Nathan had a dentist appointment at the time I had scheduled.

Monday night we went to a Empty Nester's family home evening it was fun.  But they played Bingo to get us ready for the Rest Home.  Not my idea of an uplifting FHE.  They did have great snacks.  Many of them fresh fruits that helped me stay on track but mostly my throat wanted water. Chocolate was not even tempting, not even eclairs, my favorite looked good to me.

Tuesday we met with a lawyer Mike Blackburn and finalized things on wills for both of us and power of attorney for both of us.  I also got a HIPPA release for my family and made a living will so people will know what to do with me if I am sick and can't talk myself.  I felt good about it and in talking to Erick tonight he was relieved that we had got that done since so much has happened this last year to emphasize the importance of that.  It is the only time I have done something without asking Larry Jenkins, my brother, about it so I felt guilty but I don't know why.  I guess I feel like I owe him the business but he doesn't do wills and such.

Wednesday I spent on curriculum.  Larry slept a lot and turned the heat up because he was chilling1

Thursday Larry and I watched a Roots Tech class that was streamed live from the Salt Palace on Family Search about 1:00 p.m. but other than eating and sleeping I spent the day on the curriculum.

Thursday was our grandson, Kyle Blunt's 17th birthday.  We were planning on taking him to rootstech and then doing something while we were there for his birthday and giving him his presents.  But as you will read later that was not to be.

Our grandson Ryker had his arm broken a week ago and he was able to get his cast on today.  He wanted a red cast.  Erick said that he had such a good time at the hospital when he went in that he has been asking if he can break his other arm.  They put him under anesthesia to set the break because it was compound and then they let him watch Shrek, gave him candy and a Popsicle and stickers.  I think that is not worth breaking your arm for! 

Friday we went to the Dr. and got our immunizations for the mission.  He also gave me an antibiotic for my disease that he said should not have lasted more than 10 days. Larry having had it for only 4 days did not get any medicine.  We went from there to the LDS Employment Center to tell everyone about our mission.  We were disappointed that our Manager Frank Sano was not there but it was fun to talk to the others.

Maren posted pictures of Landon leaving on the ship and of the ship on Facebook that day.  She has also posted pictures and comments about many nice things that are being done for her since Landon left.  We are praying for her and Landon and the kids that things will go well.

I went home and attempted to work on curriculum for the afternoon but finally laid down for a nap about 2:30 p.m. When I got up I tried to work but finally gave up for a while.  We were supposed to take Kyle to Rootstech the next day.  We had got substitutes at the Family History Library but finally at about 9:00 p.m. I texted Kyle and Kirsten and told them that we did not feel like going and we would have to do something another day.  We are hoping to do something he wants to do with us for his Birthday next week.  We tried to watch the Olympic opening ceremony but gave up after the introduction of the athletes.  We called Mom and told her that we would not be down the next day because of the way we felt and went to bed.  I think that we had a reaction to the shots on top of the cold or flu that we have.

Saturday we slept till about 10:00 a.m. and felt somewhat better but we just stayed in most of the day.  Larry did go to pay a bill for home repairs and to get some groceries as we were running out of fresh fruits.

Talked to Kirsten a few minutes and she is still sick after antibiotics and she is starting the 4th week.  Hoping that she and we will be better soon!!!

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