We read John chapter 12 this morning and were amazed at the things that are there that we do not find emphasized a lot but then when we read the Institute manual it had several comments by General Authorities. One thing I did not remember ever reading was that the Father spoke to the people that were listening to Jesus after the triumphal entry and his prediction that he would be crucified. In verses 27-30 it says:
27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
28 Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
29 The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.
It was a very interesting chapter and had much to say about the Saviors pending atonement.
We were not very active this morning but we did get lots of reading done before we got ready for church.
We had a yummy lunch of tortillas with beans, cheese, brisket and guacamole with salsa and with Strawberries for dessert.
Then Larry read some again and I looked on the lds.org website for a while.
Just before we went to church I texted Nathan and asked him if he wanted to come to the Senior Dinner tomorrow night. He said, "yes if we would drive him". I had hopes that I could talk Larry into driving the van but waited to talk to him until after church because I got that text just before church. Larry got it also though so by the time church was out he had arranged a ride for Nathan with Ken Jackson. I was a little frustrated and told him I had hoped that he might let one of us drive but Larry said he would never drive the van again. I told Nathan I would drive but he said that Larry had to drive. So I told him that Larry had made arrangements to have Ken drive him and I was disappointed that I had thought maybe he would soften his heart so we could do some things together before we go home. He just replied that I had to take a defensive driving class before he would let me drive.
Sacrament was on the Spirit of Pioneering. Joseph and Melissa Hoffer talked about how we can be pioneers as we are the ones that go before just like the Mormon Pioneers of the 1800's. Each of us can pioneer the living of the Gospel in our own homes and families and tell others about the blessings of the Restored Gospel.
Sunday School talked about the Church today as an example of the Primitive Church that Christ formed while on the earth.
Relief Society was the Temple lesson from Ezra Taft Benson. There was a strong Spirit there and I was able to learn one thing that has been bothering me. What happens to children born in the covenant that have parents that divorce or turn from the church. I found this quote that helped me with my answer:
"The Lord’s desire is for every adult man and woman in the Church to
receive the ordinances of the temple. This means that they are to be
endowed and that all married couples are to be sealed for eternity.
These ordinances provide a protection and blessing to their marriage.
Their children also are blessed to be born in the covenant. Birth in the
covenant entitles those children to a birthright blessing which
guarantees them eternal parentage regardless of what happens to the
parents, so long as the children remain worthy of the blessings.11
I wish I could express the blessings that I am receiving of light and inspiration on how to conduct my life. The Lord is truly helping me to become a better person and shed my anger through listening to him. The blessings of this mission are so numerous that it is hard to number them. It is truly a joy to be in the service of the Lord!!
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