I spent the morning updating several referrals and got most of them updated except for about 8 that required me to call on them because they had bad addresses.
Elder Presser had to take the moving Elders to U-Haul to rent a trailer because the trailer we own the lights would not work. They had to go to Austin to clean out the apartment that the Antuars left because the missionaries replacing them, the Minerts, are bringing their own furniture. When he finished that then he had to rent a trailer for the Assistants so that they could pick up the mini-missionaries from San Antonio Stake. The mini missionary program is a stake program that lets certain youth participate in a tag along program with certain companionships to learn what missionary work is like for a week. They were all over the mission and they had to pick them up and their luggage. When he got back in the afternoon he worked on entering mileage reports in the computer.
I decided in the afternoon that it was time for me to teach myself how to order IPads. I needed to what I was responsible for as I was appointed this task by the President. I think I got the job because I work with Supplies. I had to gather up the papers I had and go to the website that they have developed for this purpose and just look at it. I think I was able to look at everything that they had there and I learned quite a lot. Including the answer to the question who pays for the IPads to be fixed and it is the missionaries unless they come from undeveloped countries. I was also on the phone with Salt Lake mobile support group several times yesterday and today.
In the evening we ate dinner and then went to the 6:30 p.m. session of the endowment at the temple.
On our way home we stopped at HEB and got some food because our refrigerator was getting a little bare. When we got home it was about 10:15 p.m. so we went to bed immediately because 6:00 a.m is not 8 hours sleep if you go past 10:00 p.m.
This morning we got up and went to the fitness center at the apartment to exercise as we did yesterday. Then we ate and showered and read scriptures and prayed together, and got dressed. Larry wanted to be out of the apartment before 9:00 a.m. because he had to go and rent a trailer for the Assistants to use today also so they would have it by 10:30 a.m. when they went to Austin. He also had to take our trailer to Pep Boys to get it fixed because we cannot keep renting trailers. He dropped me off at the office and then he went to get the trailer and to drop off ours.
I was by myself at the office for a while but the Assistants came in about 10:00 a.m. and were surprised that he had gone to get the trailer because they had thought they needed to get it. They did some planning and companion study while they waited for him.
Meanwhile I was working on the usual and I got all the referrals in and started calling people that I needed to call because the addresses were bad. I was surprised that every person on the list answered the phone or called me back which is a mini miracle. Sometimes I call that many and never talk to anyone. I was able to get them updated and assigned to someone so I had all the referrals in at that time. But more were texted or phoned in today so I have some for tomorrow.
Williams came in about 10:15 a.m. after he went to another doctor's appointment. He is trying to get accepted for disabilities at the VA but he is also having to have two things done so he can have a hernia operation so they had to go for the 2nd thing today.
Larry came back about 10:30 a.m. He got the Assistants taken care of and the Moving Elders and than he started working on mileage.
We finally had devotional. It was my turn to give the thought and I talked about some of the things in the Ezra Taft Benson manual on Temples that we had last Sunday. We always have a lively discussion to go along with it. I love the Williams. They left shortly after that because Karen had a doctors appointment in the afternoon. So Elder Presser and I were alone for a while.
We have had a lady calling for an Elder in the mission to come back to the area where he was transferred to so he can teach her more. She had one excuse after another of why she needed only him. Of course that is against policy. She has called the office 4 times now in the past two days. Larry talked to the Elder yesterday and he was aware of the situation and said he would call but from a pay phone so she did not have his number. Today it got so ridiculous that Sister Williams called the President about her. That is one reason that they transfer the missionaries so often because we want the investigators to get baptized because the love Christ, not the Elders.
In the afternoon I did some more work on getting ready for the IPads and I also worked on some instruction sheets that Sister Kasper left for me about how to do things that are outdated now because of the change in the way of doing things. Then I also typed in some Baptismal forms.
Larry sent the Moving Elders to get the trailer but it still wasn't working with what they had done so he had to call Pep Boys and tell them to do what needs to be done to get it fixed. He and the Elders had thought they knew what it was and just had that fixed but it was not all of the problem. He also had some Elders come to the office to work while they waited for their car. Finally about 3:00 p.m. he asked them how long their car had been in. They said since 10:00 a.m. Because of what they were doing he new it had been in there long enough and so he called Pep Boys and it was done. They also said they had fixed what was wrong on the trailer so he sent the Moving Elders again to get it. But when they got there it was not fixed. Larry was really upset that he had to send them there 3 times before they had it fixed.
On the way down I was pleased that Nathan had written on his blog so I went to it and it finally said something positive about me and Larry. It made my whole day. It also helped me to see that the reason he has not wanted to talk to me is that it is too hard because he gets emotional. Anyway you can read it at http://www.iamnotdeadyett.blogspot.com/. He is really writing a better blog lately so I am convinced that he is still progressing. After all he is living by himself and doing fine with a little help from the ward.
At 4:00 p.m. we left to go and get Isaac and Sammy to take them out to dinner. We cannot get all four kids in our Jeep in seat belts so we decided that we will take them out in two's. They wanted to go to McDonalds so we went there. I know that some people don't like McDonalds but they have really come out with some quality foods lately. I especially like their Salads and Hot Fudge Sundaes.
After eating we took some food to Nathan and took some things that we had found at the apartment that should go to his apartment. I also needed to pick up the foot pedal and cords that Sara and the b
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Isaac and Sammy at McDonald's tonight |
The kids wanted to go to Target to see if there were any new Skylanders so we took them there. Sara was there also so that was funny. But the boys decided it was important to look at the toys so they declined an offer to go home with their mother at that time. They had a great time. Isaac's favorite of the night was a Tetrus version of Jenga. Sammy's was a Minion fart busting machine that made a stupid noise (of course). After looking for about a half hour we took the boys home and went home to the apartment.
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