Today was a normal Monday. Lots to do and the Assistants need the computers so Larry and I went to Weight Watchers, Washed the Car and bought some fruit that was 0 point foods for the office at HEB.
Larry lost a pound and a half. I gained it. Very frustrating but expected because I ate too much every evening.
Sister Clark, Brother Clark, Sister Williams and Sister Adair |
In the after noon we were able to get on our computers. I was frantically trying to get some things caught up and the President called me and told me that he had sent me some emails and to look at them. He wanted me to see if I could go in and help the missionaries begin to use their Planning App because the Assistants had not been able to get it to wdownload. I was panicked. I said a prayer. I didn't understand anything about it but I read all the stuff he sent me and I went in and tried to duplicate the page they sent me but it wasn't there. Then I found a page where it said I could turn on all of the Area Planners. So I turned them all on but one did not want to be turned on. So I called the number to get to the people to give help and they basically did not know how to help me so they gave me a number for Missionary Support. I told her what I had done and she came on and looked and said I had done it right. Then I asked her where the page was that President had sent to me. She went to people in her group that knew more and came back and said that that page was not something that I could access and I didn't need to do any more. About that time the Assistants called and said that they had the app and wanted to know if everyone had it. Larry talked to them because I was still on the phone. So basically with God's help I did the simple thing that needed to be done and learned that I didn't need to do the other thing. It made me feel good to be able to solve the problem that had plagued some others with the Lord's help.
Elder and Sister Studevant |
Tonight was the Senior Dinner. We went to a restaurant in New Braunfels called Oma's Restaurant. It is an Americanized German Restaurant. The food was good but I was a little frustrated by the place. There were places where it did not smell good. We all had a good time.
Elder and Sister Williams |
Elder Williams, The Waitress in her traditional German Dress, Elder Studevant |
While I was there I was talking to the Studevants about Nathan's anger and she pointed out to me that he has so much anger that he needs to learn how to control. Most of it caused by the frustration of not being able to do what he could do before and being able to remember when he was able to walk and move without problems. For some reason the Spirit opened my mind and all of a sudden I realized that I have been complicating the problems he has by getting angry at him for being angry at me. I wish I could go back and be more understanding of him and his frustrations and not worry so much about my hurt. I realized that he needed someone to vent to or ignore because of his inner frustrations and I just made it that much worse. No wonder he is so mad at me. I know it is only with Christ's help that I can undo the hurt I have caused. I don't understand why I had to go so long before I learned this. But I am grateful for the things I am learning through the Spirit.
I didn't get many pictures of the evening like I usually do but I will post what I have.
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