Today has been a boring day. Larry read a book most of the day that he bought when he went with Judy when John had his biopsy surgery last week. It is "Agenda 21" written by Glenn Beck and Harriet Park.
Getting ready to get on the plane |
We went to the temple last night and then went to do some grocery shopping so it was late when we got home. We went to bed at about 11:00 p.m. which for some is not late but for us it late. So we were glad when we could sleep in.
David and Maggie getting ready to fly |
I have cleaned off the table, the counter and washed some clothes and bedding. I also made lunch and dinner for us and worked on figuring out how we need to spend our money. We talked about that for a while and then I tried to call a friend and texted Marcy to call me when she could. We have even read Facebook for far too long. I am also reading the Book "In the Eye of the Storm" by John Groberg. It is the book that the movie, Other side of Heaven, was based on. At first I did not want to read it because I have seen the movie several times but the book is so much more informative and has more story to it. Of Course!!
Right now I am waiting for Larry to come back from the store where I sent him to get some Chocolate Chips so I could make some Chocolate chip cookies for the Break the Fast Linger Longer tomorrow at church.
Monkey Toes and Isaac getting ready to fly |
Just before this we finished reading the Book of Acts in the New Testament with commentary together so we are ready to go to bed as soon as I have the cookies cooked.
Smilling Sammy |
Last Sunday we were in Kerrville. We decided to stay when John Trolinger found out that he was going to have a surgery on Monday for a biopsy, to find out if some tumors they had found were cancerous. We went to church and ate lunch with them and then about 3:30 p.m. I came home and left Larry in Kerrville to support Judy while John was in the surgery.
Nathan and his kids flew out for Utah on Sunday afternoon. They were pretty excited as none of them had flown in and airplane before. The pictures on the blog are some that Sara took and Marcy has texted and posted to Facebook of their trip.
Sammy settled in with his IPad and Nathan ready to fly |
Landing in Utah |
I worked on the blog on Sunday and got it updated until Saturday and
then I had to go to bed as it was late. The next day I got up and went
to the office early because I had to get 9 zones supplies packed for
Tuesday for MLC. I was busy all day. I know that Heavenly Father
blessed me with strength I did not have as I worked pretty much non stop
all day but I was able to get all the things ready for the next day
except the car inspections that Larry needed to put in.
Monday when they got to the surgery they let Judy come in some and observe and then Judy and Larry found books that they liked in a used book rack and read for a while. When they finished they said that they would know the results on Wednesday. Larry stayed and had dinner with them and then I was going to come and get him but they talked Larry into driving John's truck back here.
David and Korbin loading the Mecedes Bus |
I called to tell Larry I could come and get him and he said okay and then called me back and said that they wanted him to take their truck. So I went grocery shopping and got the things we needed.
I came home expecting Larry to be home soon at 6:30 p.m. and then when I called a little later to see where he was he was eating with Judy and John at the Dry Dock. So I did my own thing for a while and ate dinner and was just going to bed when he finally came home at about 9:30 p.m.
Loaded in the Mercedes |
Tuesday we finished up the supply orders for MLC and got them transported by the moving Elders. I went with Sister Williams to help feed the missionaries as Elder Williams had a doctor's appointment to see about his health problems. Larry stayed at the office and worked to hold things down there. We fed the missionaries box lunches from Scholtsky's. Sister Williams loves them because they deliver for her. I am not that fond of Scholtsky's original sandwich. The moving Elders brought the orders while lunch was going on so that was good and we could point out the things the missionaries needed to know.
We got back to the office about 1:30 p.m. I had several things to do to get ready for the conferences that we were going to have the next two days. We had to go to Round Rock East on Wednesday and Round Rock on Thursday so we decided to get a Microtel again and stay over. I had to print our referral reports and handouts. I also had to work on getting my other work done and getting handouts printed and I was trying to get my IPad finished setting up so I could use it for my presentation.
Before we left I remembered that the President had told me that he had told everyone to use the same passcode on their IPad and so I tried typing it in on all of the ones that I am trying to reset and some of them reset even though it was the week before that they sent out the reset message from Salt Lake. I was excited but did not have time to worry about finishing at that time.
At the Hotel in Park City |
Larry had two accidents over the weekend that he had to do the paperwork on and get things started with insurance. He also has 14 cars coming in to be sold and he had about 6 of them at the time that he had to clean out and get to the auto repair places and get ready to sell so he was busy all of the time on Tuesday.
Going to their room |
Wednesday we left early about 8:00 a.m. because Larry was worried about the traffic but we didn't have much of a problem and so we were able to make it by 10:00 a.m. We listened to the Elders give their presentation again and marvel at the things that they can do. I spent a lot of time getting my IPad and phone charged while they were talking so that I could get it to do what I needed for my presentation. The presentations were the same as last week but this time I had an IPad that I could show them where they can find the documents on their IPad that I am talking about. One thing about repetitious teaching, your presentation always gets better as you go and learn new things.
Eating in Park City |
The missionaries suggested that we go to a place called Chuy's for Tex Mex so we tried it. They do have very good food but it is pricey for what we are used to paying.
Ice Wars in Park City |
After eating we went to the microtel to check in. We were a little early but I decided that it was good this time because he upgraded us to a suite and so I did not have the claustrophobic feeling that I had in Eagle Pass. So maybe we will have to upgrade each time we go there (depending on the price.)
Meeting Aunt Kirsten and Taylor at Hires in Salt Lake City |
In driving up to Round Rock I was looking at Facebook and noticed that one of the people that commented under some pictures of Alisa Eberhard and her family was a Dorine Monsen McDaniel Eberhard. She was married to Alisa's Father in law. I was excited because I had a friend in college the last year I was there 40 years ago that was Dorine Monsen and I had not been able to find her since she married. So I messenged her and asked her if she was the Dorine Monsen that grew up in Altamont and attended BYU in Home Economics. She texted back are you my June Bug!! I was so excited as we talked back and forth the next few hours about the fact that I had found her. She is living in Blanding and I am hoping that we can see her when we get back from my mission. She seemed to be equally excited to find me so that made it even better.
Fun on the ropes |
After we found the hotel we went to find an HEB to get some fruit for me to snack on. That was an adventure in logic that made it twice as long to accomplish but we finally got some and came back and watched TV which is a treat as we do not have TV in the apartment now that Nathan has moved out and I set up my computer and worked on Referrals as I had 98 unassigned referrals.
Fun at Reunion |
At Grandpa John Christiansen's grave |
The next morning we ate at the hotel breakfast and then we headed to the Round Rock conference. I forgot to mention that at the Round Rock East conference we had to pick up a car to take to Round Rock so we were driving separate cars. When we got there I thought I was picking up the car that they traded for the one we brought but it turned out that the Assistants took that car and we had to meet someone in Austin to trade them for the car that we took from the Round Rock Conference. So we were still in Separate cars but alot of different cars. It was pretty confusing but they have had to move cars around to get the oldest cars out of the car pool to turn in.
A text Isaac sent his mother about Grandma Zina's house looking like a gingerbread house |
We stopped at McDonalds and ate together and then drove separately back to the office. We worked there for a couple of hours and then went home.
Friday we had another zone conference at our East Stake Center here. So we joked about how hard it was going to be to have to go there as it is about 15 minutes away from the office. We went to the office for devotional and then went to the trainings.
Farewell Party for BJ and Holly in Hawaii |
We went back to the office for lunch. Elder and Sister Williams had been held up at a doctors appointment and she finally came in but he was too sick to come in. We worked all afternoon on various things. I finally got all my referrals in and everything cleaned off my desk except the Baptismal Certificates but I got a lot of them typed in.
Maren's kids, Gauge and Ellie doing Fire works on the 24th |
We called and couldn't get an appointment to go to the Temple at 6:30 p.m. but they said to come standby so we hurried home and ate quickly and then we went to the temple. I just barely made it in. I think I only got in because Elder Presser was already in. I had to wait for a place to dress it was so full. We had a good session and enjoyed the work.
One the way home we went shopping for some food for Elder Presser because he has decided to do a low carbohydrate diet that is supposed to be better for his diabetes so we had to get him some food that would work for him.
Nathan's ward the Sunday after his stoke when the whole ward wore bow ties in support of him. I think I posted this before but it was the cover photo for Woodlake Chat on Face book so I copied it from them. |
Well I learned tonight that you can substitute oil in my chocolate chip cookie recipe and it will work. I was a little worried because I have had bad result substituting butter for margarine in a cookie recipe and the dough tonight did not look the same but the cookies look wonderful now they are baked. Too bad it is fast Sunday!!!
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