Saturday, August 08, 2015

August 5th

Maggie in front of the Salt Lake Temple east doors
We were tired when we got up today so we slept until 7:00 a.m but then we just ate and showered and said prayers at home.  We read scriptures in the car as we traveled to Kyle.

Larry looked at our Bank Account and for some reason we were overdraft so that hit us for a loop.

Maggie, Isaac and Sammy in alcove of the Temple
But first we went to the office so we could pick up the car that we had to take to Kyle and exchange and I had to print out the referrals.  We left about 9:45 a.m for a meeting that we presented at 11:00 a.m.  Traffic was light and it only takes 51 minutes to go to the chapel there so we made it by 10:30 a.m.
Nathan on the Temple Grounds
Because we got there early we could hear the Zone Leaders presentations and once again they were outstanding.  I was impressed with Elder White who taught about how to do a Flex talk he called it.  Apparently it is something that President Slaughter taught them but I have not heard of before.  He said that it is good when you are supposed to talk but it is past your time to talk and you need to leave more time for the visiting authority.  It is composed of three parts.
  1. Scripture- quote a scripture or General Authority
  2. Insight-Provide insight into what the scripture means or provide interpretations of General Authorities.
  3. Testimony-Bear your testimony to the truthfulness of the principle in the scripture and how it has affected your life for good.
Then you take the first letters of each of the words and S-I-T!!! This really excited me.

Maggie on the South side of the Salt Lake Temple
We presented out teachings that are the same every time with some variations according to personality of the day.  Then we had to work out which cars we had to take back.  We had some confusion because Larry did not write down which cars went where but the Assistants straightened us out and then we had to wait a while for the Sisters to come back with the one car from lunch.  So we ate the food we had brought.  When they returned we cleaned out their car and I drove that and Larry drove a Jeep down to the office.
Looking out from the Conference Center
On the Conference Center roof looking South
While Larry was driving Judy called him and told him that they had gone to the oncologist today to talk about John's treatment of his melanoma and that they have several new treatments for melanoma that they want to try on him.  So she was feeling optimistic that maybe they could shrink the tumor.  So I hope it works for them to give them a little more time together.  We were both pleased to hear the news.

We also saw via text that Nathan and the kids had missed their plane in Salt Lake City so they wouldn't be in until midnight.  Later Marcy posted pictures of their day at the Temple and Capital grounds that they decided to visit while waiting for the new flight.
Looking East from the Conference Center
Inside the conference center
Looking out from the Joseph Smith Memorial Building
At the office I felt like I have been in a fog all week as I work.  Probably because I am so far behind on my work.  I start one thing and then start another and then realize that I haven't finished what I started so I get frustrated.  I read emails, typed some papers for the Referral Secretary instructions that needed to be revised for Sister Spencer and printed them and put them in the book.  I even updated the description of what I do for the Mission handbook and gave that to Sister Williams as she was making them today.  I ordered some Stationary for the office and then I worked on Referrals and Typed in some Baptisms and Confirmations.  At the end of the day I had to move some of the boxes of Book of Mormons to make room for an order that is coming tomorrow.  So I got some exercise today.  Larry helped me to do that. Plus I made several phone calls and received as many more.  When I was ready to go home Larry wasn't so I typed in some more Baptisms.

Nathan, Isaac, David, Maggie, and Sammy in front of the Salt Lake Temple
When we got home it was 7:00 p.m. and after eating and sending a few texts and reading we are ready to go to bed.  Then I remembered saying my prayers that I had to print out the referral reports for tomorrows presentation.  When I finished that I thought maybe I could write at least about today. for the blog.

We also got some texts that Nathan and the kids are on the plane coming home.  Life is good especially when you have something to do!!!
The entire family reflected in the door
Maggie in front of the reflection pool
Sammy in front of the Church Office Building

Maggie in front of the church office building


Sammy, Isaac, Maggie, David, and Nathan

Top to Bottom: David, Isaac, Korbin, Drayk, and Maggie
At the airport waiting to get on the plane

Their plane

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