Friday, March 18, 2016

September 19th

Today we rose about 8:00 a.m. because Kirsten was moving in about 10:00 a.m. and we had people coming from the ward to help.  We hurried and got ready and ate.

Cieli Rose today
Brian Deppe is our new home teacher so he and his son Alex showed up first.  They started helping us move the mattresses that needed moved out of the bedrooms so that Kirsten could bring in her beds.  After a while Jason Fisher and Kevin Funk came and they started to help with moving the things out of our house to take to Deseret Industries that we decided that we did not need and have it ready to put in the U Haul truck when it was unloaded.  Jon Jones came shortly after and they all worked on it until all the things that we needed moved were moved but Kirsten was not here yet.  When I called they said it would probably be about 45 minutes before they made it so everyone went home until they got here.

Larry and I had some lunch while they were gone and Larry thought he was able to fix our leaking fridge but later it started leaking again.

Kyle taken on another day
Finally about an hour and 15 minutes later Kirsten called and said that they were on their way.  Larry had just received a call from Brian wondering if they were here yet so we were able to let him know that they were coming.  Brian called some of the people that had been here in the morning and they came.  Brother Fisher brought his wife and daughter.  Brother Jones came and then Steve Allred and his son came to help also.  When Kirsten showed up first and then Landon with the Truck, we had plenty of people to help unload.  Maren and Landon, Erick, BJ and Holly also came from the family to help.  After trying to carry one box downstairs and being so slow that  I held things up I took refuge in the kitchen and unloaded some of the freezer items that they had brought.  About the time I finished that BJ and Holly showed up with Cieli so I decided that my job could be holding Ceili for a while.

Holly thought Cieli should be wanting a nap so I was rocking her and she probably would have gone to sleep.  I asked Holly to bring me a soda that I had opened and as soon as Cieli saw that she was not in the mood to go to sleep any longer even thought I did not give her any.

Older picture of Nathan's kids
It was a fun time to see everyone.  I think they were all through and gone about 2:30 p.m.  They set up all the beds but we have a real mess to go through.  After talking to Kirsten for a while we decided to go and return the U Haul.  After that we decided to go to her apartment to get the food that she had left in the refrigerator there.  Larry had been craving a drink from the drink machines that you can pick what you want and then add flavoring to it and they have one at Wendy’s and so we went there to get a drink.

When we got back we decided it was time to eat so we sliced some of the tomatoes and cucumbers that Kirsten brought and ate the roast beef that Larry had been cooking in the crockpot all day.  It was yummy.

As we have TV now I laid down and started flipping channels trying to find something.  We finally settled on Bones.  Kirsten watched one with us and typed some job applications on the computer but then she went to visit her friend Carrie to watch a movie.  We watched a couple of Bones episodes and then started looking for the BYU game.  When we found the channel it said it was being broadcast at 10:30 p.m.  We are not that dedicated so we read scriptures and said our prayers and Larry went to bed but I stayed up for a while to work on the blog.  Busy day!!!

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