Sunday, February 12, 2017

January 29th, 2017

This has been a hard month for all of us.  I am grateful that I can talk to Heavenly Father and get direction on what to do when I feel overwhelmed.  Larry and I have never felt that we were not doing the right thing in coming here but the Lord often gives you hard experiences to help you grow and this has been one of those.

Larry went to see his doctor on the 15th of December for the first time.  She started by complaining about him coming down to San Antonio to get his surgery.  She said it would take months to get him into the system down here.  Then she started asking him questions about medications and other things.  After a while she asked him if he had any chest pains.  When he told her he had been having them since 1:00 a.m. that morning she went into a panic and started cussing him about why did he come there because they were not equipped to handle heart problems, this was a clinic.  I didn't know that he had been having chest pains so I was in shock.  She called the ambulance and they took him to the VA hospital emergency room where he immediately became acquainted with the cardiac team and they admitted him to the hospital.  After three times of trying to give them the pictures sent from Utah they finally looked at them and introduced him to the Thoracic Surgery team.  Some might say that this was an unfortunate occurrence caused by our stupidity in coming down here but we saw the hand of the Lord in getting him into the system down here so things could get started faster.  He was in the hospital for about 4 days.

During this time I was able to help Nathan with his children get ready for Christmas without a worry about Larry being overwhelmed by doing too much.  It was hard because the hospital is a half hour away or more but we were able to visit him and get last minute Christmas shopping done for the week.

It was another miracle to me that he went through Christmas and did not have problems.  During that time however I continued to have neck pain on the right side of my neck.  It started off and on in the summer after they started giving me zometa but in December it became an almost constant pain.  I tried to go to a massage thereapist to see if that would help because it felt like it was in my muscles.  It began to be so painful that I often felt nauseated with it and tried a number of excercises that sometime relieved the pain but it did not go away.  When I went to the Dr. that I had decided to get into before we came he gave me a prescription for Baclafen and after a few days the pain went away.  It was so nice to have the pain gone but after a week I woke up with anxiety attacks for claustrophobia and then after I ate I started throwing up.  So I quit taking it and that went away but the pain in my neck came back.

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